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The DEVICE_COST table captures the cost of a medical Device or supply used on a Person. The information about the cost is only derived from the amounts paid for the device.

device_cost_idYesintegerA unique identifier for each DEVICE_COST record.
device_exposure_ idYesintegerA foreign key identifier to the DEVICE_EXPOSURE record for which cost data are recorded.
currency_concept_idNointegerA concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar.
paid_copayNofloatThe amount paid by the Person as a fixed contribution to the expenses. Copay does not contribute to the out_of_pocket expenses.
paid_coinsuranceNofloatThe amount paid by the Person as a joint assumption of risk. Typically, this is a percentage of the expenses defined by the Payer Plan after the person's deductible is exceeded.
paid_toward_ deductibleNofloatThe amount paid by the Person that is counted toward the deductible defined by the Payer Plan.
paid_by_payerNofloatThe amount paid by the Payer. If there is more than one payer, several procedure_cost records indicate that fact.
paid_by_coordination_benefitsNofloatThe amount paid by a secondary payer through the coordination of benefits.
total_out_of_pocketNofloatThe total amount paid by the Person as a share of the expenses, excluding the copay.
total_paidNofloatThe total amount paid for the expenses of the procedure.
payer_plan_period_idNointegerA foreign key to the payer_plan_period table, where the details of the payer, plan and family are stored.


  • If the Device is derived from a Procedure record, all conventions apply to the field’s equivalent to the procedure_cost (see above).
documentation/cdm/device_cost.1417813596.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/05 21:06 by cgreich