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Snowflake Support in OHDSI tools

This page has a list of branches in repositories to be merged into the corresponding ‘master’ branches and officially released in the upcoming future (targeting ATLAS/WebAPI 2.12 release in September / October 2022)

To enable Snowflake support before the official release across all repositories, please build the environment utilizing the branches listed below. After all components are released they can use the officially released versions of each particular component or then whole stack as the dependencies should be properly referenced:

Known Limitations

DatabaseConnectorJars will be updated with the new dialect support information when the DatabaseConnector branch is officially released with the corresponding dialect

Component Dependencies

The dependencies between components are displayed on the diagram below, so if a use case requires a top-level component (like ATLAS) the related down-level components should be available in their infrastructure

Connection Example

Below is an example for connection to your Snowflake Instance from R code

# Download Snowflake JDBC driver
# Install DatabaseConnector and SqlRender from branches
install_github("ohdsi/DatabaseConnector", ref="develop")
install_github("ohdsi/SqlRender", ref="develop")
connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(
  dbms = "snowflake",
  user = "My_user",
  password = "My_password",
  pathToDriver = "/path/to/driver",
  connectionString = "jdbc:snowflake://"
conn <- DatabaseConnector::connect(connectionDetails)
DatabaseConnector::querySql(conn, "SELECT * FROM MY_OMOP_SCHEMA.vocabulary")