All WebAPI documentation has moved to GitHub. Please disregard the content below as it is legacy and kept for posterity.



Security layer for WebAPI. See WebAPI shiro branch

Integration points - REST Methods, OLYMPUS Installation

New Development Pending - User interface for editing security / permission settings Planned as shiro branch of ATLAS

Projects / Tags

Persistence layer and application integration for a way to tag assets such as Concept Sets, Feasibility Studies and Cohorts as belonging to a particular project or area of study.

Activity / Telemetry

Monitoring usage of a WebAPI installation


Ability to import and export assets across WebAPI installations. Assets include cohort definitions, concept set expressions and aggregate analysis results.


Connecting Health Analytics in R for OHDSI Network (greek reference)

R Service Bus Integration of Open Analytics' R Service Bus

There are several R packages being developed within the OHDSI community. Patient Level Prediction and Cohort Method are two good examples). While these packages can be run independent of any other software requirements the intent of the OHDSI community is to make these sophisticated algorithms accessible to a broader audience. To accomplish this we intend to establish a framework of tools that allow users to leverage a web based interface to perform analyses supported by the R packages contributed to the efforts of the OHDSI community.

The integration of the Open Analytics R Service Bus will provide an asychronous way to launch long running R analyses. Calls to the WebAPI will kick off these analyses using the existing Job Manager features of the WebAPI. This will allow interfaces such as ATLAS to develop user experiences that take advantage of the ongoing R method development.

Person Services

Provide a set of services that expose person level details for use in person profile visualization and reporting. Prerequisite: SHIRO


9/20/2015 - Concept Set Persistence - Merged