THIS IS OUTDATED. All documentation is now on the github wiki. Please refer there or to the CDM working group for more information

The CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table contains records that define direct relationships between any two Concepts and the nature or type of the relationship. Each type of a relationship is defined in the RELATIONSHIP table.

concept_id_1YesintegerA foreign key to a Concept in the CONCEPT table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the source concept designation.
concept_id_2YesintegerA foreign key to a Concept in the CONCEPT table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional, and this field represents the destination concept designation.
relationship_idYesvarchar(20)A unique identifier to the type or nature of the Relationship as defined in the RELATIONSHIP table.
valid_start_dateYesdateThe date when the instance of the Concept Relationship is first recorded.
valid_end_dateYesdateThe date when the Concept Relationship became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.
invalid_reasonNovarchar(1)Reason the relationship was invalidated. Possible values are 'D' (deleted), 'U' (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.
