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resources:mailing_lists [2014/11/11 05:20]
jduke [Implementers]
resources:mailing_lists [2014/11/11 05:22] (current)
jduke [CDM Builders]
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 ===== Developers ===== ===== Developers =====
-For discussion around open-source development of OHDSI applications and other tools that leverage the OMOP CDM.+For discussion around open-source development of OHDSI applications and other tools that leverage the OMOP CDM.[[http://​​category/​developers|View]]
 ===== Researchers ===== ===== Researchers =====
-For discussion around CDM-based research, including evidence generation, collaborative research, statistical methods, and other topics of interest to the Research Network.+For discussion around CDM-based research, including evidence generation, collaborative research, statistical methods, and other topics of interest to the Research Network.[[http://​​category/​researchers|View]]
 ===== CDM Builders ===== ===== CDM Builders =====
-For discussion regarding ongoing CDM development,​ including requirements,​ vocabulary, and technical aspects.+For discussion regarding ongoing CDM development,​ including requirements,​ vocabulary, and technical aspects.[[http://​​category/​cdm-builders|View]]
resources/mailing_lists.1415683241.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/11 05:20 by jduke