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research:angioedema [2016/05/03 02:56]
jduke [Customizable OHDSI-Formatted IRB]
research:angioedema [2017/12/14 05:54] (current)
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 **Rationale:​** The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has [[http://​​Drugs/​GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/​Surveillance/​AdverseDrugEffects/​ucm491645.htm|recently announced]] that they are evaluating the need for regulatory action regarding a potential association between exposure to the anti-seizure drug Keppra and angioedema. OHDSI seeks to support evidence generation for questions of importance to FDA and other stakeholders seeking to protect and promote the public'​s health. **Rationale:​** The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has [[http://​​Drugs/​GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/​Surveillance/​AdverseDrugEffects/​ucm491645.htm|recently announced]] that they are evaluating the need for regulatory action regarding a potential association between exposure to the anti-seizure drug Keppra and angioedema. OHDSI seeks to support evidence generation for questions of importance to FDA and other stakeholders seeking to protect and promote the public'​s health.
-**Project Lead(s):** Jon Duke, Patrick Ryan, Marc Suchard, Martijn Schuemie+**Project Lead(s):** Jon Duke, Patrick Ryan, Marc Suchard, George Hripcsak, [?Adler], Christian Reich, Yuriy Khoma, Marie-Sophie Schwalm, Yonghui Hu, [Stanford- Juan?], Martijn Schuemie.
-**Coordinating Institution(s):​** Regenstrief Institute+**Coordinating Institution(s):​** Regenstrief Institute ​/ Georgia Tech
-** Additional Participants (currently seeking additional collaborators):​**  +**Participating Institution(s):​** ​ Regenstrief Institute, Georgia Tech, Janssen Research and Development,​ Columbia University, University of California Los Angeles, University of Texas Houston, Stanford University, QuintilesIMS.
-  * George Hripcsak +
-  +
-Any interested collaborators please contact Jon Duke at and I will be happy to add you to the collaborator list.  +
- +
-**Participating Institution(s):​** Regenstrief Institute, Janssen Research and Development,​ Columbia University, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles+
-**Full Protocol:** [[|Keppra and Angioedema Risk Protocol]]+**Full Protocol:** [[​StudyProtocols/​blob/​master/​KeppraAngioedema/​extras/​KeppraandAngioedemaRiskStudyProtocolv0.5.docx?raw=true|Keppra and Angioedema Risk Protocol]]
 **Initial Proposal Date:​** ​ 5/3/2016 **Initial Proposal Date:​** ​ 5/3/2016
-**Launch Date:​** ​TBD+**Launch Date:​** ​5/18/2016
-**Receive Results for Analysis Date:​**  ​TBD+**Receive Results for Analysis Date:​**  ​7/15/2016
-**Study Closure Date:​**  ​TBD+**Study Closure Date:​**  ​12/1/2016 (**Study closed**)
-**Results Submission:​** [[mailto:​|Email]] ​or SFTP+**Results Submission:​** ​Via the OHDSI Sharing module embedded in study or via [[mailto:​|Email]].
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-===== Customizable OHDSI-Formatted IRB ===== 
-**IRB:​** ​ 
 ===== Requirements ===== ===== Requirements =====
-**CDM:​** ​V4 or V5 (both versions fully tested)+**CDM:** V5 only
 **Database Dialects:** SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle **Database Dialects:** SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle
-**Software:​** ​SQL and +**Software:​** R (>= 3.2.2, RTools), Java 
 +**Hardware:​** Recommended 8-core, 32GB memory, 100GB free space 
 +**How to Run:** Full installation and run instructions are provided on the GitHub page below.
 ===== Code =====  ===== Code ===== 
-[[https://​​maryreginaboland/SeaWAS|GitHub code for Proposed Study SeaWAS Across OHDSI]]+[[https://​​OHDSI/​StudyProtocols/​tree/​master/KeppraAngioedema|GitHub code for Proposed Study - Keppra and Angioedema Risk]]
-===== Discussion =====  
-[[http://​​t/​ohdsi-study-4-investigating-birth-month-disease-risk-relationships-across-the-ohdsi-network/​742/​3|SeaWAS-OHDSI Discussion Thread]] ​ 
 ===== Datasets Run =====  ===== Datasets Run ===== 
-  * Columbia University ​- CUMC/NYP +  ​* CCAE (Janssen) 
-  * Taipei Medical University +  * MDCD (Janssen) 
-  * Ajou University School of Medicine+  * MDCR (Janssen) 
 +  * Optum (Janssen) 
 +  ​* Columbia University 
 +  * IMS (French) 
 +  * IMS Ambulatory 
 +  * IMS PPLUS 
 +  * Stanford 
 +  * UT Blue Cross Blue Shield 
 +  * UT Cerner 
 ===== Waiting for Datasets From =====  ===== Waiting for Datasets From ===== 
-  * Stanford University +  * CPRD (Janssen) 
-  * University of Colorado + 
-  * University of California, Los Angeles + 
-  * Possibly - Children'​s Hospital of Philadelphia ​ +===== Results =====  
-  * Possibly - Erasmus University Medical Center+ 
 +Results will be posted here shortly. 
 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
research/angioedema.1462244194.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/03 02:56 by jduke