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projects:workgroups:patient-level_prediction [2020/05/10 15:25]
projects:workgroups:patient-level_prediction [2020/05/10 15:29] (current)
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 **Members:​** **Members:​**
-Alexandros Rekkas, MSc, Leiden ​University Medical Center, The Netherlands\\+Alexandros Rekkas, MSc, Erasmus ​University Medical Center, The Netherlands\\
 Adler Perotte, MD, Columbia University New York\\ Adler Perotte, MD, Columbia University New York\\
 Andrew Williams, PhD, Maine Medical Center Research Institute\\ Andrew Williams, PhD, Maine Medical Center Research Institute\\
Line 82: Line 82:
 **WG Recordings:​**\\ ​ **WG Recordings:​**\\ ​
-2020 The recordings of the meetings can be found on the Population-Level Effect Estimation Wiki page.+2020 The recordings of the meetings can be found on the Population-Level Effect Estimation ​[[https://​​web/​wiki/​doku.php?​id=projects:​workgroups:​est-methods|Wiki page]].
 2019 Western Hemisphere Meetings\\ 2019 Western Hemisphere Meetings\\
projects/workgroups/patient-level_prediction.1589124312.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/10 15:25 by prijnbeek