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projects:workgroups:ohdsi_fhir_wg_monthly_meeting_on_may_9_2018 [2018/05/09 17:11]
sigfried created
projects:workgroups:ohdsi_fhir_wg_monthly_meeting_on_may_9_2018 [2018/05/09 18:06] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 == Meeting Notes == == Meeting Notes ==
-  * Attendees: Sigfried Gold, Myung Choi +  * Attendees: Sigfried Gold, Myung Choi, Richard Star 
-  * Chatting about GIT environments+  * Chatting about GIT environments ​and possible collaborations on vocabs and visualization
-== Meeting Agenda == 
-  * Mappings 
-  * Value sets 
projects/workgroups/ohdsi_fhir_wg_monthly_meeting_on_may_9_2018.1525885888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/05/09 17:11 by sigfried