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projects:workgroups:library-wg [2016/01/15 06:23]
jduke [Library Requirements]
projects:workgroups:library-wg [2016/01/28 20:06] (current)
Line 9: Line 9:
 ** **
 //Content Types//** //Content Types//**
-  * Phenotypes (e.g., Patients with Hyperlipidemia) 
-  * Clinical Components (e.g., Elevated Cholesterol Values (e.g. [LDL > 130 OR Total Chol > 200]) 
   * Concept Sets (e.g., concept codes meaning Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)) ​   * Concept Sets (e.g., concept codes meaning Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)) ​
 +  * Clinical Facts (e.g., Elevated Cholesterol (e.g. [LDL Concepts] > 130 OR [Total Chol Concepts] > 200)
 +  * Phenotypes (e.g., Patients with Hyperlipidemia)
 Note that Clinical Components are not currently implemented in OHDSI so would require development effort. Note that Clinical Components are not currently implemented in OHDSI so would require development effort.
-**//​Metadata for Each Concept//**+**//​Metadata for each element in the library//**
   * Name   * Name
projects/workgroups/library-wg.1452839008.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/15 06:23 by jduke