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projects:workgroups:cdm-wg [2019/10/29 18:23]
projects:workgroups:cdm-wg [2020/11/02 14:05] (current)
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 ==== Meetings ====  ==== Meetings ==== 
 +The CDM WG meetings are now taking place in the OHDSI Teams Tenet. If you do not have access please contact [[|Clair Blacketer]].
 **Every first Tuesday at 1pm EST (after the OHDSI meeting)** **Every first Tuesday at 1pm EST (after the OHDSI meeting)**
-Join by phone\\ 
-US toll-free: +1 (908) 316-2436 \\ 
-Attendee access code: 215874708# ​  \\ 
-[[https://​​6071d915-71cb-44a6-ae05-d1830c6bbb14?​id=215874708|Global Numbers]] \\ 
 +=== Important Links ===
-**Every third Tuesday at 9am EST** +**[[https://​|Google drive for CDM & THEMIS effort]]**\\
- +
-[[​mblacke/​GFMFNJYW|Skype]]\\ +
-Join by phone\\ +
-US toll-free: +1 (908) 316-2436 \\ +
-Attendee access code: 180836323# ​  \\ +
-[[https://​​6071d915-71cb-44a6-ae05-d1830c6bbb14?id=180836323|Global Numbers]] \\ +
- +
-=== Important Links ===+
 **[[https://​​document/​d/​1WgKePjrI_cGdqn2XQCe1JdGaTzdMqU4p5ihkMt8fcAc/​edit?​usp=sharing|Running Meeting Agenda]]**\\ **[[https://​​document/​d/​1WgKePjrI_cGdqn2XQCe1JdGaTzdMqU4p5ihkMt8fcAc/​edit?​usp=sharing|Running Meeting Agenda]]**\\
 **[[https://​​OHDSI/​CommonDataModel|Current OMOP Common Data Model]]**\\ **[[https://​​OHDSI/​CommonDataModel|Current OMOP Common Data Model]]**\\
-**[[https://​​CommonDataModel/​wiki|CDM Documentation]]**\\+**[[https://​​CommonDataModel/​|CDM Documentation]]**\\
 **[[https://​​OHDSI/​CommonDataModel/​issues?​utf8=%E2%9C%93&​q=is%3Aissue%20label%3AProposal%20|CDM Proposals]]**\\ **[[https://​​OHDSI/​CommonDataModel/​issues?​utf8=%E2%9C%93&​q=is%3Aissue%20label%3AProposal%20|CDM Proposals]]**\\
 **[[http://​​t/​running-wg-agendas-and-notes/​1748|Running agenda and notes (forum post)]]**\\ **[[http://​​t/​running-wg-agendas-and-notes/​1748|Running agenda and notes (forum post)]]**\\
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 Each month through the end of 2019 and into 2020 the group will focus on one table to clarify the documentation and specify all ETL rules suggested for collaborators to follow. These rules will then be translated to data quality checks and added to the [[https://​​OHDSI/​DataQualityDashboard|Data Quality Dashboard]] where appropriate. Each month through the end of 2019 and into 2020 the group will focus on one table to clarify the documentation and specify all ETL rules suggested for collaborators to follow. These rules will then be translated to data quality checks and added to the [[https://​​OHDSI/​DataQualityDashboard|Data Quality Dashboard]] where appropriate.
-^ Year ^ Month  ^ CDM Table(s) ​  ^ 
-| 2019  | November ​ | PERSON & OBSERVATION_PERIOD | 
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
projects/workgroups/cdm-wg.1572373428.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/29 18:23 by clairblacketer