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documentation:vocabulary:vocabulary_statistics [2020/06/11 20:36]
documentation:vocabulary:vocabulary_statistics [2024/09/02 09:52] (current)
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  == Vocabulary Statistics ==  == Vocabulary Statistics ==
- ===== ABMS ===== +Thank you for visiting the wiki! This page has moved to​Vocabulary-v5.0/wiki/​Vocabulary-Statistics.
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ABMS** \\ Stand (87) \\ Non-stand (10) | Provider (97) | Physician Specialty (97) | Concept replaces (1) \\ Is a (124) \\ Mapped from (176) \\ Maps to (97) \\ Subsumes (72) | +
- +
- ===== AMIS ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **AMIS** \\ Non-stand (142,066) | Device (1,983) \\ Drug (140,083) | Brand Name (15,243) \\ Device (1,983) \\ Dose Form (302) \\ Drug Product (117,974) \\ Ingredient (3,238) \\ Supplier (3,326) | Maps to (102,695) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (18,871) | +
- +
- ===== AMT ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **AMT** \\ Stand (2,945) \\ Non-stand (73,761) | Device (2,945) \\ Drug (73,761) | AU Qualifier (146) \\ AU Substance (2,065) \\ Containered Pack (21,456) \\ Medicinal Product (138) \\ Med Product Pack (9,772) \\ Med Product Unit (5,291) \\ Supplier (194) \\ Trade Product (4,363) \\ Trade Product Pack (20,227) \\ Trade Product Unit (13,054) | Mapped from (2,945) \\ Maps to (70,108) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (7,263) | +
- +
- ===== APC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **APC** \\ Stand (715) | Observation (715) | APC (715) | Mapped from (715) \\ Maps to (715) | +
- +
- ===== ATC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ATC** \\ Class (6,335) | Drug (6,335) | ATC 1st (14) \\ ATC 2nd (94) \\ ATC 3rd (267) \\ ATC 4th (889) \\ ATC 5th (5,071) | ATC - RxNorm (22,907) \\ ATC - RxNorm pr lat (4,874) \\ ATC - RxNorm pr up (1,382) \\ ATC - RxNorm sec lat (1,036) \\ ATC - RxNorm sec up (25,902) \\ ATC - SNOMED eq (2,020) \\ ATC to NDFRT eq (53) \\ ATC to VA Class eq (46) \\ Drug class of drug (87,324) \\ Is a (6,321) \\ Maps to (5,407) \\ Subsumes (6,367) | +
- +
- ===== BDPM ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **BDPM** \\ Stand (1,106) \\ Non-stand (25,389) | Device (1,106) \\ Drug (25,389) | Brand Name (3,130) \\ Device (1,106) \\ Dose Form (122) \\ Drug Product (19,565) \\ Ingredient (2,112) \\ Supplier (460) | Mapped from (1,106) \\ Maps to (22,734) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (4,102) | +
- +
- ===== CAP ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CAP** \\ Non-stand (18,010) | Measurement (3,909) \\ Meas Value (13,307) \\ Observation (794) | CAP Header (694) \\ CAP Protocol (100) \\ CAP Value (13,307) \\ CAP Variable (3,909) | CAP-Nebraska cat (114) \\ CAP-Nebraska eq (806) \\ CAP parent item of (3,992) \\ CAP protocol of (17,911) \\ CAP value of (13,693) \\ Has CAP parent item (3,974) \\ Has CAP protocol (36,352) \\ Has CAP value (13,309) \\ Maps to (962) | +
- +
- ===== CDM ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CDM** \\ Stand (932) | Metadata (932) | CDM (10) \\ Field (869) \\ Table (53) | Contained in version (3,733) \\ Is a (877) \\ Mapped from (932) \\ Maps to (932) \\ Subsumes (877) \\ Version contains (3,733) | +
- +
- ===== CDT ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CDT** \\ Stand (825) | Device (333) \\ Observation (275) \\ Procedure (217) | CDT (730) \\ CDT Hierarchy (95) | Mapped from (825) \\ Maps to (825) | +
- +
- ===== CIEL ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CIEL** \\ Non-stand (48,997) | Condition (38,139) \\ Device (12) \\ Drug (7,673) \\ Measurement (395) \\ Observation (1,945) \\ Procedure (644) \\ Spec Anatomic Site (123) \\ Specimen (17) \\ Unit (49) | Aggregate Meas (4) \\ Anatomy (123) \\ ConvSet (136) \\ Diagnosis (37,061) \\ Drug (7,554) \\ Drug Class (14) \\ Drug form (88) \\ Finding (1,026) \\ Frequency (33) \\ LabSet (64) \\ Medical supply (12) \\ MedSet (17) \\ Misc (986) \\ Misc Order (34) \\ Organism (2) \\ Procedure (514) \\ Program (4) \\ Question (740) \\ Radiology (130) \\ Specimen (17) \\ State (7) \\ Symptom (15) \\ Symptom/​Finding (37) \\ Test (327) \\ Units of Measure (49) \\ Workflow (3) | Maps to (45,953) | +
- +
- ===== CMS Place of Service ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CMS Place of Service** \\ Stand (51) \\ Non-stand (9) | Visit (60) | Visit (60) | Is a (50) \\ Mapped from (314) \\ Maps to (59) \\ Subsumes (38) | +
- +
- ===== Cohort ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Cohort** \\ Class (78) | Condition (66) \\ Drug (12) | Cohort (78) | DOI - RxNorm (1,747) \\ HOI - MedDRA (363) \\ HOI - SNOMED (632) | +
- +
- ===== Condition Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Condition Type** \\ Stand (118) | Type Concept (118) | Condition Type (104) \\ Death Type (14) | Mapped from (118) \\ Maps to (118) | +
- +
- ===== Cost ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Cost** \\ Stand (51) | Cost (51) | Detail (24) \\ Summary (27) | Mapped from (51) \\ Maps to (51) | +
- +
- ===== Cost Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Cost Type** \\ Stand (5) | Type Concept (5) | Cost Type (5) | Mapped from (5) \\ Maps to (5) | +
- +
- ===== CPT4 ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CPT4** \\ Class (3,433) \\ Stand (12,556) \\ Non-stand (170) | Drug (115) \\ Measurement (1,700) \\ Observation (678) \\ Place of Service (48) \\ Procedure (13,618) | CPT4 (12,278) \\ CPT4 Hierarchy (3,433) \\ CPT4 Modifier (400) \\ Place of Service (48) | CPT4 - LOINC eq (2,019) \\ CPT4 - SNOMED cat (16,671) \\ CPT4 - SNOMED eq (16,311) \\ Is a (15,350) \\ Mapped from (12,659) \\ Maps to (12,677) \\ Subsumes (15,196) | +
- +
- ===== CTD ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CTD** \\ Non-stand (8,698) | Drug (8,698) | Ingredient (8,698) | Maps to (8,708) | +
- +
- ===== Currency ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Currency** \\ Stand (180) | Currency (180) | Currency (180) | Mapped from (180) \\ Maps to (180) | +
- +
- ===== CVX ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **CVX** \\ Stand (195) | Drug (195) | CVX (195) | CVX - RxNorm (462) \\ Mapped from (2,176) \\ Maps to (195) | +
- +
- ===== DA_France ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **DA_France** \\ Stand (5,451) \\ Non-stand (36,736) | Device (7,065) \\ Drug (35,122) | Device (7,065) \\ Dose Form (297) \\ Drug Product (34,825) | Mapped from (5,451) \\ Maps to (55,384) | +
- +
- ===== Death Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Death Type** \\ Stand (14) | Type Concept (14) | Death Type (14) | Mapped from (14) \\ Maps to (14) | +
- +
- ===== Device Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Device Type** \\ Stand (4) | Type Concept (4) | Device Type (4) | Mapped from (4) \\ Maps to (4) | +
- +
- ===== dm+d ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **dm+d** \\ Stand (20,351) \\ Non-stand (318,608) | Device (192,567) \\ Drug (146,392) | AMP (131,774) \\ AMPP (146,937) \\ Brand Name (6,055) \\ Form (133) \\ Ingredient (2,705) \\ Supplier (705) \\ VMP (20,148) \\ VMPP (30,493) \\ VTM (9) | Mapped from (32,875) \\ Maps to (331,536) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (9,896) | +
- +
- ===== Domain ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Domain** \\ Non-stand (51) | Metadata (51) | Domain (51) | Concept replaces (11) | +
- +
- ===== DPD ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **DPD** \\ Non-stand (55,976) | Drug (55,976) | Brand Name (13,524) \\ Dose Form (361) \\ Drug Product (36,322) \\ Ingredient (3,907) \\ Supplier (1,862) | Maps to (30,743) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (19,335) | +
- +
- ===== DRG ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **DRG** \\ Stand (752) | Observation (752) | MS-DRG (752) | DRG - MDC cat (734) \\ Mapped from (752) \\ Maps to (752) \\ MS-DRG - DRG eq (440) | +
- +
- ===== Drug Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Drug Type** \\ Stand (16) | Type Concept (16) | Drug Type (16) | Mapped from (16) \\ Maps to (16) | +
- +
- ===== EDI ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **EDI** \\ Non-stand (313,431) | Device (19,813) \\ Drug (23,231) \\ Measurement (20,602) \\ Procedure (249,785) | Device (19,813) \\ Drug Product (23,231) \\ Meas Class (3,972) \\ Measurement (9,019) \\ Procedure (233,460) \\ Proc Hierarchy (23,936) | Maps to (2,500) | +
- +
- ===== EphMRA ATC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **EphMRA ATC** \\ Class (895) | Drug (895) | ATC 1st (16) \\ ATC 2nd (89) \\ ATC 3rd (318) \\ ATC 4th (412) \\ ATC 5th (60) | Is a (879) \\ Subsumes (879) | +
- +
- ===== Episode ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Episode** \\ Stand (7) | Episode (7) | Disease Episode (4) \\ Episode of Care (1) \\ Treatment Episode (2) | Mapped from (15) \\ Maps to (7) | +
- +
- ===== Episode Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Episode Type** \\ Stand (5) | Type Concept (5) | Episode Type (5) | Mapped from (5) \\ Maps to (5) | +
- +
- ===== ETC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ETC** \\ Class (2,755) | Drug (2,755) | ETC (2,755) | Drug class of drug (49) \\ ETC - RxNorm (37,920) \\ Is a (2,710) \\ Subsumes (2,710) | +
- +
- ===== Ethnicity ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Ethnicity** \\ Stand (2) | Ethnicity (2) | Ethnicity (2) | Mapped from (4) \\ Maps to (2) | +
- +
- ===== GCN_SEQNO ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **GCN_SEQNO** \\ Non-stand (29,658) | Drug (29,658) | GCN_SEQNO (29,658) | Maps to (14,499) | +
- +
- ===== Gemscript ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Gemscript** \\ Stand (7,346) \\ Non-stand (232,099) | Device (124,550) \\ Drug (114,895) | Gemscript (168,088) \\ Gemscript THIN (71,357) | Mapped from (14,128) \\ Maps to (236,004) | +
- +
- ===== Gender ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Gender** \\ Stand (2) | Gender (2) | Gender (2) | Mapped from (4) \\ Maps to (2) | +
- +
- ===== GGR ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **GGR** \\ Stand (596) \\ Non-stand (11,836) | Device (596) \\ Drug (11,836) | Ingredient (1,443) \\ Medicinal Product (2,079) \\ Med Product Pack (8,659) \\ Supplier (251) | Mapped from (833) \\ Maps to (10,094) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (2,302) | +
- +
- ===== GPI ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **GPI** \\ Non-stand (21,663) | Drug (21,663) | GPI (21,663) | Maps to (13,653) | +
- +
- ===== GRR ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **GRR** \\ Stand (127,729) \\ Non-stand (400,815) | Device (127,729) \\ Drug (400,815) | Brand Name (30,008) \\ Device (127,729) \\ Dose Form (365) \\ Drug Product (363,962) \\ Ingredient (4,435) \\ Supplier (2,045) | Concept replaces (116,771) \\ Mapped from (127,729) \\ Maps to (479,741) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (34,676) | +
- +
- ===== HCPCS ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **HCPCS** \\ Stand (8,427) \\ Non-stand (1,514) | Condition (1) \\ Device (4,646) \\ Drug (1,480) \\ Measurement (137) \\ Observation (2,693) \\ Procedure (984) | HCPCS (9,570) \\ HCPCS Modifier (371) | Concept replaces (155) \\ Is a (1,288) \\ Mapped from (8,461) \\ Maps to (9,946) \\ Subsumes (2) | +
- +
- ===== HemOnc ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **HemOnc** \\ Class (343) \\ Stand (1,730) \\ Non-stand (4,919) | Condition (209) \\ Drug (5,007) \\ Procedure (79) \\ Regimen (1,697) | Brand Name (4,065) \\ Component (586) \\ Component Class (337) \\ Condition (209) \\ Context (33) \\ Modality (18) \\ Procedure (46) \\ Regimen (1,679) \\ Regimen Class (6) \\ Route (13) | Accepted use of (4,596) \\ Antineoplastic of (4,550) \\ Brand name of (4,074) \\ Concept replaces (20) \\ Context of (2,676) \\ Current treated by (2,428) \\ FDA indication of (364) \\ Has accepted use (4,596) \\ Has antineoplastic (4,550) \\ Has antineopl Rx (4,331) \\ Has brand name (4,074) \\ Has context (2,676) \\ Has FDA indication (364) \\ Has immunosuppressor (187) \\ Has immunosuppr Rx (157) \\ Has local therap Rx (161) \\ Has local therapy (173) \\ Has modality (1,946) \\ Has supportive med (1,628) \\ Has support med Rx (1,269) \\ Historic treated by (393) \\ Immunosuppressor of (187) \\ Is a (3,000) \\ Is current in (2,428) \\ Is historical in (393) \\ Local therapy of (173) \\ Mapped from (1,746) \\ Maps to (2,322) \\ May be route of (666) \\ May have route (666) \\ Modality of (1,946) \\ Subsumes (4,241) \\ Supportive med of (1,628) | +
- +
- ===== HES Specialty ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **HES Specialty** \\ Stand (64) \\ Non-stand (93) | Observation (4) \\ Provider (149) \\ Visit (4) | Observation (4) \\ Physician Specialty (145) \\ Provider (4) \\ Visit (4) | Is a (90) \\ Mapped from (68) \\ Maps to (153) \\ Subsumes (7) | +
- +
- ===== ICD10 ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICD10** \\ Non-stand (15,352) | Condition (13,972) \\ Measurement (38) \\ Observation (1,142) \\ Procedure (200) | ICD10 code (13,302) \\ ICD10 Hierarchy (2,050) | Is a (16,412) \\ Maps to (18,609) \\ Maps to value (237) \\ Subsumes (16,412) | +
- +
- ===== ICD10CM ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICD10CM** \\ Non-stand (94,767) | Condition (89,265) \\ Measurement (60) \\ Observation (5,438) \\ Procedure (4) | 3-char billing code (223) \\ 3-char nonbill code (1,687) \\ 4-char billing code (5,446) \\ 4-char nonbill code (4,507) \\ 5-char billing code (6,538) \\ 5-char nonbill code (7,011) \\ 6-char billing code (9,808) \\ 6-char nonbill code (9,376) \\ 7-char billing code (50,171) | Is a (280,681) \\ Maps to (127,180) \\ Maps to value (1,151) \\ Subsumes (280,681) | +
- +
- ===== ICD10CN ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICD10CN** \\ Non-stand (34,491) | Condition (31,783) \\ Measurement (88) \\ Observation (2,144) \\ Procedure (476) | ICD10 Chapter (22) \\ ICD10 code (30,834) \\ ICD10 Hierarchy (2,047) \\ ICD10 Histology (1,326) \\ ICD10 SubChapter (262) | Is a (118,515) \\ Maps to (36,583) \\ Maps to value (544) \\ Subsumes (118,515) | +
- +
- ===== ICD10PCS ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICD10PCS** \\ Stand (189,499) | Procedure (189,499) | ICD10PCS (78,439) \\ ICD10PCS Hierarchy (111,060) | Has access (43,205) \\ Has component (182) \\ Has dir device (15,401) \\ Has dir morph (3,271) \\ Has dir proc site (73,298) \\ Has dir subst (3,009) \\ Has focus (984) \\ Has indir morph (409) \\ Has indir proc site (4,914) \\ Has intent (14,780) \\ Has method (100,423) \\ Has proc device (700) \\ Has proc morph (80) \\ Has proc site (12,872) \\ Has property (2,838) \\ Has revision status (6,039) \\ Has scale type (39) \\ Has specimen (7) \\ Has surgical appr (1,308) \\ Is a (404,426) \\ Mapped from (189,502) \\ Maps to (189,499) \\ Subsumes (208,964) \\ Using acc device (20,577) \\ Using device (14,969) \\ Using energy (432) \\ Using subst (16,655) | +
- +
- ===== ICD9CM ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICD9CM** \\ Non-stand (17,552) | Condition (15,730) \\ Measurement (71) \\ Observation (1,468) \\ Procedure (283) | 3-dig billing code (92) \\ 3-dig billing E code (44) \\ 3-dig billing V code (1) \\ 3-dig nonbill code (836) \\ 3-dig nonbill E code (171) \\ 3-dig nonbill V code (89) \\ 4-dig billing code (3,863) \\ 4-dig billing E code (1,247) \\ 4-dig billing V code (474) \\ 4-dig nonbill code (1,730) \\ 4-dig nonbill V code (159) \\ 5-dig billing code (8,212) \\ 5-dig billing V code (634) | Is a (25,155) \\ Maps to (21,096) \\ Maps to value (465) \\ Subsumes (25,155) | +
- +
- ===== ICD9Proc ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICD9Proc** \\ Stand (2,237) \\ Non-stand (2,420) | Procedure (4,657) | 2-dig nonbill code (100) \\ 3-dig billing code (221) \\ 3-dig nonbill code (669) \\ 4-dig billing code (3,661) \\ Procedure (6) | Has access (155) \\ Has component (45) \\ Has dir device (397) \\ Has dir morph (672) \\ Has dir proc site (3,123) \\ Has dir subst (258) \\ Has focus (105) \\ Has indir device (1) \\ Has indir morph (9) \\ Has indir proc site (615) \\ Has intent (332) \\ Has method (4,875) \\ Has priority (5) \\ Has proc device (33) \\ Has proc morph (28) \\ Has proc site (908) \\ Has property (1) \\ Has recipient cat (3) \\ Has revision status (70) \\ Has route of admin (3) \\ Has scale type (2) \\ Has specimen (71) \\ Has surgical appr (91) \\ Is a (4,308) \\ Mapped from (9,136) \\ Maps to (4,659) \\ Subsumes (2,620) \\ Using acc device (132) \\ Using device (510) \\ Using energy (22) \\ Using subst (92) | +
- +
- ===== ICD9ProcCN ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICD9ProcCN** \\ Non-stand (13,385) | Procedure (13,385) | 2-dig nonbill code (100) \\ 3-dig nonbill code (889) \\ 4-dig nonbill code (3,500) \\ 6-dig billing code (8,880) \\ ICD9Proc Chapter (16) | Is a (13,367) \\ Maps to (13,383) \\ Subsumes (13,367) | +
- +
- ===== ICDO3 ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ICDO3** \\ Stand (59,619) \\ Non-stand (3,325) | Condition (61,068) \\ Observation (1,876) | ICDO Condition (61,068) \\ ICDO Histology (1,476) \\ ICDO Topography (400) | Has asso morph (89,116) \\ Has finding site (59,842) \\ Has Histology ICDO (60,668) \\ Has Topography ICDO (59,592) \\ Histology of ICDO (61,390) \\ ICDO to Proc Schema (57,263) \\ ICDO to Schema (60,310) \\ Is a (168,328) \\ Mapped from (60,597) \\ Maps to (62,926) \\ Topography of ICDO (60,314) | +
- +
- ===== Indication ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Indication** \\ Class (4,739) | Drug (4,739) | Indication (4,739) | Concept replaces (70) \\ Drug class of drug (59) \\ Ind/CI - SNOMED (48,080) \\ Is CI of (243,601) \\ Is FDA-appr ind of (89,092) \\ Is off-label ind of (22,116) | +
- +
- ===== ISBT ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ISBT** \\ Stand (16,132) | Device (16,132) | ISBT Product (16,132) | Is a (93,003) \\ Mapped from (16,132) \\ Maps to (16,132) | +
- +
- ===== ISBT Attribute ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **ISBT Attribute** \\ Class (1,619) | Device (466) \\ Observation (1,153) | ISBT Attrib group (110) \\ ISBT Attrib value (990) \\ ISBT Category (10) \\ ISBT Class (466) \\ ISBT Modifier (43) | Is a (1,123) \\ Subsumes (94,126) | +
- +
- ===== JMDC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **JMDC** \\ Stand (1,227) \\ Non-stand (34,735) | Device (1,227) \\ Drug (34,735) | Brand Name (3,374) \\ Device (1,227) \\ Dose Form (94) \\ Drug Product (28,465) \\ Ingredient (2,577) \\ Supplier (225) | Mapped from (1,227) \\ Maps to (29,642) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (6,253) | +
- +
- ===== KCD7 ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **KCD7** \\ Non-stand (22,508) | Condition (20,745) \\ Measurement (40) \\ Observation (1,519) \\ Procedure (204) | KCD7 code (22,508) | Is a (29,531) \\ Maps to (19,216) \\ Maps to value (237) \\ Subsumes (29,531) | +
- +
- ===== KDC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **KDC** \\ Stand (202) \\ Non-stand (35,358) | Device (202) \\ Drug (35,358) | Brand Name (13,449) \\ Device (202) \\ Dose Form (100) \\ Drug Product (20,253) \\ Ingredient (1,556) | Mapped from (202) \\ Maps to (20,448) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (15,103) | +
- +
- ===== KNHIS ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **KNHIS** \\ Stand (3) | Payer (3) | Payer (3) | Mapped from (3) \\ Maps to (3) | +
- +
- ===== Korean Revenue Code ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Korean Revenue Code** \\ Stand (7) | Revenue Code (7) | Revenue Code (7) | Mapped from (7) \\ Maps to (7) | +
- +
- ===== LOINC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **LOINC** \\ Class (45,764) \\ Stand (104,493) \\ Non-stand (58,998) | Measurement (114,422) \\ Meas Value (17,207) \\ Observation (77,626) | Answer (16,804) \\ Claims Attachment (499) \\ Clinical Observation (23,454) \\ Doc Kind (72) \\ Doc Role (25) \\ Doc Setting (18) \\ Doc Subject Matter (149) \\ Doc Type of Service (139) \\ Lab Test (53,073) \\ LOINC Class (301) \\ LOINC Component (53,989) \\ LOINC Group (6,567) \\ LOINC Hierarchy (38,896) \\ LOINC Method (1,899) \\ LOINC Property (208) \\ LOINC Scale (10) \\ LOINC System (2,799) \\ LOINC Time (93) \\ Survey (10,260) | Answer of (87,097) \\ Component of (87,208) \\ Concept replaces (2,816) \\ Contained in panel (44,154) \\ Has Answer (84,352) \\ Has answer (PPI) (187) \\ Has component (87,186) \\ Has kind (2,878) \\ Has method (47,083) \\ Has property (87,186) \\ Has role (693) \\ Has scale type (87,186) \\ Has setting (826) \\ Has subject matter (2,372) \\ Has system (87,186) \\ Has time aspect (87,164) \\ Has type of service (1,832) \\ Is a (295,065) \\ Kind of (2,917) \\ LOINC - CPT4 eq (1,887) \\ Mapped from (107,704) \\ Maps to (104,494) \\ Method of (47,087) \\ Panel contains (39,890) \\ Property of (87,208) \\ Role of (698) \\ Scale type of (87,208) \\ Setting of (832) \\ Subject matter of (2,404) \\ Subsumes (290,438) \\ System of (87,208) \\ Time aspect of (87,186) \\ Type of service of (1,850) \\ Value mapped from (2,004) | +
- +
- ===== LPD_Australia ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **LPD_Australia** \\ Stand (1,620) \\ Non-stand (25,582) | Device (1,622) \\ Drug (25,580) | Brand Name (51) \\ Device (1,622) \\ Dose Form (39) \\ Drug Product (25,376) \\ Ingredient (114) | Mapped from (1,620) \\ Maps to (28,644) \\ Source - RxNorm eq (50) | +
- +
- ===== LPD_Belgium ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **LPD_Belgium** \\ Stand (885) \\ Non-stand (8,707) | Device (885) \\ Drug (8,707) | Device (885) \\ Drug Product (8,707) | Mapped from (885) \\ Maps to (1,070) | +
- +
- ===== MDC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **MDC** \\ Stand (26) | Observation (26) | MDC (26) | Mapped from (26) \\ Maps to (26) \\ MDC cat - DRG (1,299) | +
- +
- ===== Meas Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Meas Type** \\ Stand (12) | Type Concept (12) | Meas Type (12) | Mapped from (12) \\ Maps to (12) | +
- +
- ===== MedDRA ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **MedDRA** \\ Class (73,078) | Condition (52,487) \\ Measurement (10,096) \\ Observation (1,962) \\ Procedure (8,533) | HLGT (337) \\ HLT (1,737) \\ LLT (47,269) \\ PT (23,708) \\ SOC (27) | Concept replaces (21,018) \\ Is a (84,324) \\ MedDRA - HOI (363) \\ MedDRA - SMQ (16,633) \\ MedDRA - SNOMED eq (13,630) \\ Subsumes (93,079) | +
- +
- ===== Medicare Specialty ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Medicare Specialty** \\ Stand (107) \\ Non-stand (9) | Provider (86) \\ Visit (30) | Physician Specialty (68) \\ Provider (18) \\ Visit (30) | Is a (117) \\ Mapped from (270) \\ Maps to (116) \\ Subsumes (394) | +
- +
- ===== MeSH ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **MeSH** \\ Non-stand (11,459) | Condition (6,035) \\ Drug (4,443) \\ Measurement (168) \\ Procedure (813) | Main Heading (6,996) \\ Suppl Concept (4,463) | Maps to (11,467) | +
- +
- ===== Metadata ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Metadata** \\ Stand (1) \\ Non-stand (1) | Metadata (2) | Metadata (2) | Mapped from (1) \\ Maps to (1) \\ Type of (317) | +
- +
- ===== MMI ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **MMI** \\ Stand (4) | Observation (4) | Survey (4) | Mapped from (4) \\ Maps to (4) | +
- +
- ===== Multilex ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Multilex** \\ Non-stand (77,177) | Drug (77,177) | Clinical Drug (73,064) \\ Ingredient (4,113) | Drug has drug class (303) \\ Maps to (19,655) \\ Multilex has ing (86,735) \\ Multilex ing of (86,735) | +
- +
- ===== Multum ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Multum** \\ Non-stand (9,770) | Drug (9,770) | Multum (9,770) | Maps to (8,738) | +
- +
- ===== NAACCR ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **NAACCR** \\ Stand (26,237) \\ Non-stand (7,820) | Drug (5) \\ Episode (8) \\ Measurement (1,450) \\ Meas Value (31,175) \\ Metadata (13) \\ Observation (728) \\ Procedure (678) | NAACCR Procedure (679) \\ NAACCR Proc Schema (30) \\ NAACCR Schema (195) \\ NAACCR Value (30,794) \\ NAACCR Variable (1,881) \\ Permissible Range (478) | Answer of (32,152) \\ End date of (26) \\ Has Answer (32,152) \\ Has end date (26) \\ Has parent item (2,804) \\ Has permiss range (478) \\ Has start date (1,422) \\ Has type (317) \\ Has unit (256) \\ Mapped from (26,249) \\ Maps to (26,253) \\ Parent item of (2,804) \\ Permiss range of (478) \\ Proc Schema to ICDO (57,279) \\ Schema to ICDO (60,541) \\ Schema to Value (489,562) \\ Schema to Variable (114,921) \\ Start date of (1,422) \\ Value to Schema (489,562) \\ Variable to Schema (114,921) | +
- +
- ===== NDC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **NDC** \\ Stand (9,101) \\ Non-stand (598,956) | Device (9,101) \\ Drug (598,956) | 11-digit NDC (369,792) \\ 9-digit NDC (229,164) \\ Device (9,101) | Mapped from (9,101) \\ Maps to (403,458) | +
- +
- ===== NDFRT ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **NDFRT** \\ Non-stand (26,427) | Drug (26,426) \\ Metadata (1) | Chemical Structure (10,474) \\ Dose Form (192) \\ Ind CI (4,873) \\ Mechanism of Action (628) \\ Pharmacokinetics (59) \\ Pharmacologic Class (625) \\ Pharma Preparation (7,680) \\ Physiologic Effect (1,866) \\ Therapeutic Class (30) | Chem structure of (7,461) \\ Chem to Prep eq (2,905) \\ CI by (7,612) \\ CI chem class of (2,238) \\ CI MoA of (895) \\ CI physiol effect by (666) \\ CI to (40,884) \\ Diagnosed through (1,085) \\ Drug class of drug (110) \\ Has chem structure (2,366) \\ Has CI chem class (478) \\ Has CI MoA (159) \\ Has CI physio effect (137) \\ Has drug-drug inter (21,662) \\ Has metabolism (55) \\ Has metabolites (8) \\ Has MoA (5,461) \\ Has physio effect (8,384) \\ Has PK (79) \\ Has therap class (517) \\ Ind/CI - SNOMED (3,562) \\ Induced by (796) \\ Induces (194) \\ Inhibits effect (13) \\ Is a (34,171) \\ May be inhibited by (2) \\ May be prevented by (9,809) \\ May be treated by (67,475) \\ May diagnose (216) \\ May prevent (1,963) \\ May treat (11,726) \\ Metabolism of (398) \\ Metabolite of (65) \\ MoA of (24,412) \\ NDFRT dose form of (14,196) \\ NDFRT has dose form (1) \\ NDFRT has ing (6,752) \\ NDFRT ing of (25,574) \\ NDFRT - RxNorm eq (7,793) \\ NDFRT - RxNorm name (7) \\ NDFRT - SNOMED eq (2,624) \\ NDFRT to ATC eq (53) \\ NDFRT to VA Class eq (34) \\ Physiol effect by (38,640) \\ PK of (811) \\ Prep to Chem eq (2,923) \\ Product comp of (41,469) \\ Subsumes (47,532) \\ Therap class of (2,400) | +
- +
- ===== Nebraska Lexicon ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Nebraska Lexicon** \\ Stand (4,187) \\ Non-stand (346,976) | Condition (106,589) \\ Device (16,385) \\ Drug (21,314) \\ Gender (9) \\ Measurement (11,138) \\ Meas Value (227) \\ Metadata (1,199) \\ Observation (109,045) \\ Place of Service (330) \\ Procedure (45,942) \\ Provider (498) \\ Race (300) \\ Relationship (193) \\ Route (152) \\ Spec Anatomic Site (34,424) \\ Specimen (1,752) \\ Type Concept (427) \\ Unit (1,239) | Admin Concept (27) \\ Attribute (1,186) \\ Body Structure (34,424) \\ Clinical Drug (1,147) \\ Clinical Drug Form (896) \\ Clinical Finding (117,384) \\ Context-dependent (5,255) \\ Disposition (304) \\ Dose Form (103) \\ Event (3,427) \\ Inactive Concept (8) \\ Linkage Assertion (8) \\ Location (1,839) \\ Model Comp (328) \\ Morph Abnormality (4,972) \\ Namespace Concept (220) \\ Navi Concept (642) \\ Observable Entity (9,515) \\ Organism (34,429) \\ Pharma/Biol Product (13,479) \\ Physical Force (171) \\ Physical Object (15,592) \\ Procedure (59,709) \\ Qualifier Value (10,741) \\ Record Artifact (258) \\ Social Context (4,732) \\ Special Concept (1) \\ Specimen (1,749) \\ Staging ​Scales (1,603) \\ Substance (27,013) \\ Undefined (1) | Acc device used by (1,540) \\ Access of (1,491) \\ Active ing of (11,682) \\ Admin method of (276) \\ Asso finding of (3,052) \\ Asso morph of (63,994) \\ Asso proc of (2,435) \\ Asso with finding (2,139) \\ Basic dose form of (262) \\ Basis str subst of (5,577) \\ Causative agent of (20,858) \\ Characterizes (130) \\ Clinical course of (3,873) \\ Component of (8,839) \\ Conc denom unit of (1,308) \\ Conc denom val of (1,308) \\ Concept alt_to from (161) \\ Concept poss_eq from (18,518) \\ Concept replaces (5,506) \\ Concept same_as from (37,575) \\ Concept was_a from (19,583) \\ Conc num unit of (1,327) \\ Conc num val of (1,437) \\ Count of ing of (4,858) \\ Denominator unit of (4,129) \\ Denom value of (4,129) \\ Device used by (5,051) \\ Dir device of (4,345) \\ Direct site of (466) \\ Dir morph of (7,876) \\ Dir proc site of (33,809) \\ Dir subst of (5,140) \\ Disposition of (8,537) \\ Dose form of (9,849) \\ Due to of (5,777) \\ During (38) \\ Energy used by (318) \\ Episodicity of (10) \\ Finding asso with (2,139) \\ Finding context of (2,622) \\ Finding inform of (2,205) \\ Finding method of (4,098) \\ Finding site of (91,469) \\ Focus of (4,129) \\ Followed by (3,929) \\ Follows (3,929) \\ Has access (1,491) \\ Has active ing (11,682) \\ Has admin method (276) \\ Has asso finding (3,052) \\ Has asso morph (63,994) \\ Has asso proc (2,435) \\ Has basic dose form (262) \\ Has basis str subst (5,577) \\ Has causative agent (20,858) \\ Has clinical course (3,873) \\ Has complication (38) \\ Has component (8,839) \\ Has conc denom unit (1,308) \\ Has conc denom val (1,308) \\ Has conc num unit (1,327) \\ Has conc num val (1,437) \\ Has count of ing (4,858) \\ Has denominator unit (4,129) \\ Has denomin value (4,129) \\ Has dir device (4,345) \\ Has direct site (466) \\ Has dir morph (7,876) \\ Has dir proc site (33,809) \\ Has dir subst (5,140) \\ Has disposition (8,537) \\ Has dose form (9,849) \\ Has due to (5,777) \\ Has episodicity (10) \\ Has finding context (2,622) \\ Has finding site (91,469) \\ Has focus (4,129) \\ Has indir device (75) \\ Has indir morph (586) \\ Has indir proc site (8,693) \\ Has inherent (1,361) \\ Has inherent loc (373) \\ Has intended site (316) \\ Has intent (5,182) \\ Has interpretation (10,433) \\ Has interprets (40,872) \\ Has laterality (5,515) \\ Has manifestation (39) \\ Has measurement (17) \\ Has method (61,016) \\ Has modification (1,498) \\ Has numerator unit (4,208) \\ Has numerator value (4,699) \\ Has occurrence (12,084) \\ Has part of (43,326) \\ Has pathology (9,960) \\ Has prec ingredient (5,577) \\ Has precondition (31) \\ Has priority (208) \\ Has proc context (2,599) \\ Has proc device (316) \\ Has process output (11) \\ Has proc morph (187) \\ Has proc site (3,921) \\ Has property (1,508) \\ Has recipient cat (120) \\ Has relat context (5,141) \\ Has relative part (2) \\ Has release charact (273) \\ Has revision status (1,098) \\ Has route of admin (174) \\ Has scale type (1,017) \\ Has severity (40) \\ Has specimen (3,123) \\ Has specimen morph (154) \\ Has specimen proc (945) \\ Has specimen source (124) \\ Has specimen subst (945) \\ Has specimen topo (1,409) \\ Has stage (6) \\ Has state of matter (103) \\ Has surgical appr (700) \\ Has technique (417) \\ Has temp finding (7) \\ Has temporal context (5,239) \\ Has time aspect (656) \\ Has transformation (242) \\ Has unit of presen (4,131) \\ Indir device of (75) \\ Indir morph of (586) \\ Indir proc site of (8,693) \\ Inherent location of (373) \\ Inheres in (1,361) \\ Intended site of (316) \\ Intent of (5,182) \\ Interpretation of (10,433) \\ Interprets of (40,872) \\ Is a (543,495) \\ Is characterized by (130) \\ Laterality of (5,515) \\ Manifestation of (39) \\ Mapped from (4,448) \\ Maps to (338,227) \\ Measurement of (17) \\ Method of (61,016) \\ Modification of (1,498) \\ Nebraska-CAP cat (117) \\ Nebraska-CAP eq (878) \\ Numerator unit of (4,208) \\ Numerator value of (4,699) \\ Occurrence of (12,084) \\ Occurs after (1) \\ Occurs before (1) \\ Part of (43,326) \\ Pathology of (9,960) \\ Prec ingredient of (5,577) \\ Precondition of (31) \\ Priority of (208) \\ Proc context of (2,599) \\ Proc device of (316) \\ Process output of (11) \\ Proc morph of (187) \\ Proc site of (3,921) \\ Property of (1,508) \\ Recipient cat of (120) \\ Relat context of (5,141) \\ Relative part of (2) \\ Release charact of (273) \\ Revision status of (1,098) \\ Route of admin of (174) \\ Scale type of (1,017) \\ Severity of (40) \\ Specimen identity of (124) \\ Specimen morph of (154) \\ Specimen of (3,123) \\ Specimen proc of (945) \\ Specimen subst of (945) \\ Specimen topo of (1,409) \\ Stage of (6) \\ State of matter of (103) \\ Subst used by (3,199) \\ Subsumes (537,813) \\ Surgical appr of (700) \\ Technique of (417) \\ Temporal context of (5,239) \\ Temp related to (7) \\ Time aspect of (656) \\ Transformation of (242) \\ Unit of presen of (4,131) \\ Using acc device (1,540) \\ Using device (5,051) \\ Using energy (318) \\ Using finding inform (2,205) \\ Using finding method (4,098) \\ Using subst (3,199) | +
- +
- ===== NFC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **NFC** \\ Class (692) | Drug (692) | NFC (692) | Is a (674) \\ Subsumes (674) | +
- +
- ===== Note Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Note Type** \\ Stand (10) | Type Concept (10) | Note Type (10) | Mapped from (10) \\ Maps to (10) | +
- +
- ===== NUCC ===== +
-Vocabulary ​^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **NUCC** \\ Stand (697) \\ Non-stand (148) | Observation (4) \\ Provider (662) \\ Visit (179) | Observation (4) \\ Physician Specialty (235) \\ Provider (427) \\ Visit (179) | Is a (780) \\ Mapped from (740) \\ Maps to (845) \\ Subsumes (357) | +
- +
- ===== Observation Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Observation Type** \\ Stand (29) | Type Concept (29) | Death Type (14) \\ Observation Type (15) | Mapped from (29) \\ Maps to (29) | +
- +
- ===== Obs Period Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Obs Period Type** \\ Stand (6) | Type Concept (6) | Obs Period Type (6) | Mapped from (10) \\ Maps to (6) | +
- +
- ===== OMOP Extension ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **OMOP Extension** \\ Stand (85) | Condition (6) \\ Measurement (18) \\ Observation (61) | Clinical Finding (14) \\ Context-dependent (34) \\ Event (19) \\ Procedure (18) | Is a (106) \\ Mapped from (95) \\ Maps to (85) \\ Subsumes (147) | +
- +
- ===== OPCS4 ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **OPCS4** \\ Stand (2,372) \\ Non-stand (8,622) | Condition (6) \\ Device (11) \\ Measurement (64) \\ Observation (285) \\ Procedure (9,745) \\ Spec Anatomic Site (882) \\ Specimen (1) | Attribute (5) \\ Body Structure (882) \\ Clinical Finding (7) \\ Context-dependent (2) \\ Morph Abnormality (1) \\ Observable Entity (1) \\ Physical Object (10) \\ Procedure (9,974) \\ Qualifier Value (106) \\ Social Context (3) \\ Specimen (1) \\ Substance (2) | Has access (200) \\ Has dir device (134) \\ Has dir morph (295) \\ Has dir proc site (1,357) \\ Has dir subst (146) \\ Has focus (15) \\ Has indir morph (12) \\ Has indir proc site (269) \\ Has intent (189) \\ Has method (2,268) \\ Has occurrence (1) \\ Has priority (16) \\ Has proc device (17) \\ Has proc morph (21) \\ Has proc site (572) \\ Has revision status (87) \\ Has route of admin (2) \\ Has specimen (1) \\ Has surgical appr (35) \\ Is a (2,526) \\ Mapped from (2,376) \\ Maps to (11,028) \\ Using acc device (116) \\ Using device (159) \\ Using energy (5) \\ Using subst (63) | +
- +
- ===== OSM ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **OSM** \\ Stand (203,339) | Geography (203,339) | 10th level (62,708) \\ 11th level (1,632) \\ 12th level (165) \\ 2nd level (19) \\ 3rd level (28) \\ 4th level (354) \\ 5th level (567) \\ 6th level (8,572) \\ 7th level (6,574) \\ 8th level (102,089) \\ 9th level (20,631) | Is a (203,320) \\ Mapped from (203,339) \\ Maps to (203,339) \\ Subsumes (203,273) | +
- +
- ===== OXMIS ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **OXMIS** \\ Non-stand (8,118) | Condition (5,704) \\ Condition/Meas (1) \\ Condition/Obs (164) \\ Condition/​Procedure (3) \\ Device (16) \\ Drug (3) \\ Measurement (183) \\ Observation (845) \\ Obs/​Procedure (2) \\ Procedure (1,193) \\ Race (4) | OXMIS (8,118) | Maps to (8,010) | +
- +
- ===== PCORNet ===== +
-Vocabulary ​^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **PCORNet** \\ Stand (2) \\ Non-stand (79) | Observation (81) | Admitting Source (12) \\ Biobank Flag (2) \\ Blood Pressure Pos (3) \\ Chart Availability (2) \\ Diagnosis Code Type (4) \\ Diagnosis Type (3) \\ Discharge Dispo (2) \\ Discharge Status (14) \\ DRG Type (2) \\ Encounter Type (5) \\ Enrollment Basis (4) \\ Gender (3) \\ Hispanic (2) \\ Procedure Code Type (11) \\ Race (7) \\ Undefined (3) \\ Vital Source (2) | Mapped from (2) \\ Maps to (44) \\ Maps to value (10) \\ Value mapped from (2) | +
- +
- ===== PHDSC ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **PHDSC** \\ Stand (158) \\ Non-stand (4) | Payer (162) | Payer (162) | Is a (152) \\ Mapped from (158) \\ Maps to (158) \\ Subsumes (152) | +
- +
- ===== Plan ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Plan** \\ Stand (11) | Plan (11) | Benefit (6) \\ Metal level (5) | Mapped from (11) \\ Maps to (11) | +
- +
- ===== Plan Stop Reason ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Plan Stop Reason** \\ Stand (13) | Plan Stop Reason (13) | Plan Stop Reason (13) | Mapped from (13) \\ Maps to (13) | +
- +
- ===== PPI ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **PPI** \\ Stand (1,249) \\ Non-stand (3,068) | Measurement (33) \\ Observation (4,284) | Answer (3,315) \\ Clinical Observation (34) \\ Module (10) \\ PPI Modifier (6) \\ Qualifier Value (22) \\ Question (858) \\ Topic (72) | Answer of (PPI) (3,316) \\ Has answer (PPI) (3,092) \\ Has PPI parent code (4,245) \\ Is a (876) \\ Mapped from (3,470) \\ Maps to (4,317) \\ Maps to value (2,806) \\ PPI parent code of (4,245) \\ Subsumes (921) | +
- +
- ===== Procedure Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Procedure Type** \\ Stand (97) | Type Concept (97) | Procedure Type (97) | Mapped from (97) \\ Maps to (97) | +
- +
- ===== Provider ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Provider** \\ Stand (4) | Provider (4) | Physician Specialty (1) \\ Provider (3) | Mapped from (7) \\ Maps to (4) \\ Subsumes (170) | +
- +
- ===== Race ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Race** \\ Stand (50) | Race (50) | Race (50) | Is a (45) \\ Mapped from (393) \\ Maps to (50) \\ Subsumes (45) | +
- +
- ===== Read ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Read** \\ Non-stand (101,968) | Condition (46,230) \\ Condition/​Meas (1) \\ Condition/​Procedure (1) \\ Device (271) \\ Drug (259) \\ Gender (3) \\ Measurement (1,166) \\ Meas Value (10) \\ Metadata (61) \\ Observation (32,439) \\ Place of Service (46) \\ Procedure (18,418) \\ Provider (124) \\ Race (265) \\ Relationship (66) \\ Spec Anatomic Site (1,888) \\ Specimen (51) \\ Type Concept (668) \\ Unit (1) | Read (101,968) | Maps to (99,825) \\ Maps to value (4) | +
- +
- ===== Relationship ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Relationship** \\ Stand (14) \\ Non-stand (586) | Metadata (600) | Relationship (600) | Concept replaces (4) \\ Mapped from (14) \\ Maps to (14) | +
- +
- ===== Revenue Code ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Revenue Code** \\ Stand (538) | Revenue Code (538) | Revenue Code (538) | Mapped from (538) \\ Maps to (538) | +
- +
- ===== RxNorm ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **RxNorm** \\ Class (36,181) \\ Stand (147,310) \\ Non-stand (15,101) | Drug (198,592) | Branded Dose Group (20,461) \\ Branded Drug (20,114) \\ Branded Drug Comp (18,819) \\ Branded Drug Form (14,377) \\ Branded Pack (709) \\ Brand Name (11,937) \\ Clinical Dose Group (15,675) \\ Clinical Drug (33,689) \\ Clinical Drug Comp (26,621) \\ Clinical Drug Form (14,329) \\ Clinical Pack (653) \\ Dose Form (183) \\ Dose Form Group (45) \\ Ingredient (12,588) \\ Precise Ingredient (2,969) \\ Quant Branded Drug (2,462) \\ Quant Clinical Drug (2,961) | Available as box (44,874) \\ Brand name of (233,959) \\ Component of (1) \\ Concept replaces (45,556) \\ Consists of (72,065) \\ Constitutes (121,329) \\ Contained in (7,193) \\ Contains (2,552) \\ Dose form group of (38,625) \\ Drug class of drug (2) \\ Drug has drug class (3,521) \\ Form of (2,970) \\ Has brand name (206,570) \\ Has CI (149,870) \\ Has component (1) \\ Has dose form group (36,136) \\ Has FDA-appr ind (49,236) \\ Has form (2,977) \\ Has marketed form (301,381) \\ Has off-label ind (14,493) \\ Has precise ing (11,739) \\ Has quantified form (18,295) \\ Has tradename (327,302) \\ Is a (1,201) \\ Mapped from (1,298,898) \\ Maps to (150,291) \\ Precise ing of (13,695) \\ Quantified form of (5,440) \\ Rx antineopl of (4,316) \\ Rx immunosuppr of (157) \\ Rx local therapy of (161) \\ RxNorm - ATC (9,604) \\ RxNorm - ATC pr lat (4,493) \\ RxNorm - ATC pr up (1,276) \\ RxNorm - ATC sec lat (1,023) \\ RxNorm - ATC sec up (25,264) \\ RxNorm - CVX (377) \\ RxNorm - DOI (1,188) \\ RxNorm dose form of (1,618,373) \\ RxNorm - ETC (13,345) \\ RxNorm has dose form (89,356) \\ RxNorm has ing (76,732) \\ RxNorm ing of (245,579) \\ RxNorm inverse is a (220,449) \\ RxNorm is a (197,008) \\ RxNorm - NDFRT eq (7,606) \\ RxNorm - NDFRT name (2) \\ RxNorm - SNOMED eq (19,478) \\ RxNorm - Source eq (38,341) \\ RxNorm - SPL (509,922) \\ RxNorm - VAProd eq (14,113) \\ Rx support med of (1,269) \\ Tradename of (86,132) | +
- +
- ===== RxNorm Extension ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **RxNorm Extension** \\ Stand (1,653,591) \\ Non-stand (65,605) | Drug (1,719,196) | Branded Drug (150,177) \\ Branded Drug Box (204,358) \\ Branded Drug Comp (124,133) \\ Branded Drug Form (101,130) \\ Branded Pack (1,174) \\ Branded Pack Box (615) \\ Brand Name (59,926) \\ Clinical Drug (69,903) \\ Clinical Drug Box (109,099) \\ Clinical Drug Comp (61,675) \\ Clinical Drug Form (32,751) \\ Clinical Pack (993) \\ Clinical Pack Box (483) \\ Dose Form (17) \\ Ingredient (1,927) \\ Marketed Product (477,839) \\ Quant Branded Box (83,271) \\ Quant Branded Drug (87,993) \\ Quant Clinical Box (70,900) \\ Quant Clinical Drug (75,277) \\ Supplier (5,555) | Available as box (423,343) \\ Box of (470,743) \\ Brand name of (1,050,579) \\ Concept replaces (147,950) \\ Consists of (306,319) \\ Constitutes (257,285) \\ Contained in (5,190) \\ Contains (9,997) \\ Drug has drug class (76,147) \\ Has brand name (1,072,103) \\ Has marketed form (1,463,621) \\ Has quantified form (323,428) \\ Has supplier (478,086) \\ Has tradename (597,249) \\ Is a (35) \\ Mapped from (2,775,715) \\ Maps to (1,653,591) \\ Marketed form of (1,728,767) \\ Quantified form of (319,319) \\ Rx antineopl of (14) \\ RxNorm - ATC (13,278) \\ RxNorm - ATC pr lat (339) \\ RxNorm - ATC pr up (91) \\ RxNorm - ATC sec lat (10) \\ RxNorm - ATC sec up (613) \\ RxNorm - CVX (55) \\ RxNorm dose form of (1,992) \\ RxNorm has dose form (1,468,306) \\ RxNorm has ing (172,585) \\ RxNorm ing of (10,545) \\ RxNorm inverse is a (199,179) \\ RxNorm is a (221,331) \\ RxNorm - Source eq (91,968) \\ Supplier of (485,949) \\ Tradename of (832,304) | +
- +
- ===== SMQ ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **SMQ** \\ Class (318) | Condition (318) | SMQ (318) | Is a (168) \\ SMQ - MedDRA (16,586) \\ Subsumes (170) | +
- +
- ===== SNOMED ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **SNOMED** \\ Stand (540,077) \\ Non-stand (200,391) | Condition (112,158) \\ Device (198,943) \\ Drug (194,264) \\ Gender (11) \\ Measurement (13,760) \\ Meas Value (223) \\ Meas Value Operator (5) \\ Metadata (1,143) \\ Observation (128,664) \\ Place of Service (376) \\ Procedure (50,204) \\ Provider (510) \\ Race (428) \\ Relationship (194) \\ Route (181) \\ Spec Anatomic Site (34,567) \\ Spec Disease Status (3) \\ Specimen (1,809) \\ Type Concept (1,714) \\ Unit (1,307) \\ Visit (4) | Admin Concept (321) \\ Attribute (1,101) \\ Body Structure (34,567) \\ Clinical Drug (1,943) \\ Clinical Drug Form (5,305) \\ Clinical Finding (130,652) \\ Context-dependent (5,905) \\ Disposition (364) \\ Dose Form (113) \\ Event (466) \\ Inactive Concept (8) \\ Linkage Assertion (9) \\ Location (1,869) \\ Model Comp (796) \\ Morph Abnormality (4,886) \\ Namespace Concept (245) \\ Navi Concept (93) \\ Observable Entity (14,753) \\ Organism (35,070) \\ Pharma/Biol Product (183,002) \\ Physical Force (196) \\ Physical Object (195,418) \\ Procedure (68,715) \\ Qualifier Value (16,097) \\ Record Artifact (1,221) \\ Social Context (5,339) \\ Special Concept (1) \\ Specimen (1,809) \\ Staging / Scales (2,140) \\ Substance (28,061) \\ Undefined (3) | Acc device used by (23,293) \\ Access of (47,397) \\ Active ing of (69,686) \\ Add monitor ind of (1,506) \\ Admin method of (305) \\ AMP of (152,983) \\ AMP restr ind of (290,961) \\ ARP of (74) \\ Asso finding of (3,681) \\ Asso morph of (156,953) \\ Asso proc of (3,461) \\ Asso with finding (2,207) \\ Basic dose form of (282) \\ Basis str subst of (39,921) \\ Causative agent of (21,370) \\ CD category of (336,740) \\ Characterizes (369) \\ Clinical course of (4,866) \\ Combi prod ind of (421) \\ Component of (10,782) \\ Conc denom unit of (2,716) \\ Conc denom val of (2,716) \\ Concept alt_to from (159) \\ Concept poss_eq from (26,414) \\ Concept replaces (33,680) \\ Concept same_as from (48,357) \\ Concept was_a from (24,858) \\ Conc num unit of (2,782) \\ Conc num val of (2,997) \\ Count of ing of (13,199) \\ Denominator unit of (7,271) \\ Denom value of (7,271) \\ Device used by (23,608) \\ Dir device of (21,412) \\ Direct site of (31) \\ Dir morph of (12,312) \\ Dir proc site of (116,544) \\ Dir subst of (9,081) \\ Disc indicator of (153,801) \\ Disp dose form of (161,323) \\ Disposition of (9,080) \\ Dose form of (63,012) \\ Dose form unit of (10,701) \\ Due to of (7,513) \\ During (118) \\ Energy used by (804) \\ Excipient of (130,061) \\ Finding asso with (2,023) \\ Finding context of (4,048) \\ Finding inform of (2,315) \\ Finding method of (5,013) \\ Finding site of (159,373) \\ Flavor of (3,642) \\ Focus of (6,046) \\ Followed by (2,501) \\ Follows (2,909) \\ Form continuity of (20,333) \\ Free indicator of (16,318) \\ Has access (1,578) \\ Has active ing (63,081) \\ Has add monitor ind (1,506) \\ Has admin method (295) \\ Has AMP (152,734) \\ Has AMP restr ind (290,957) \\ Has answer (PPI) (36) \\ Has ARP (74) \\ Has asso finding (3,042) \\ Has asso morph (72,980) \\ Has asso proc (3,283) \\ Has basic dose form (274) \\ Has basis str subst (38,646) \\ Has causative agent (19,713) \\ Has CD category (336,315) \\ Has clinical course (4,660) \\ Has combi prod ind (417) \\ Has complication (120) \\ Has component (10,643) \\ Has conc denom unit (2,122) \\ Has conc denom val (2,122) \\ Has conc num unit (2,184) \\ Has conc num val (2,372) \\ Has count of ing (12,545) \\ Has denominator unit (6,667) \\ Has denomin value (6,667) \\ Has dir device (4,357) \\ Has direct site (31) \\ Has dir morph (8,099) \\ Has dir proc site (36,713) \\ Has dir subst (5,495) \\ Has disc indicator (152,666) \\ Has disp dose form (164,522) \\ Has disposition (9,044) \\ Has dose form (63,896) \\ Has dose form unit (9,296) \\ Has due to (7,331) \\ Has excipient (127,926) \\ Has finding context (2,963) \\ Has finding site (94,240) \\ Has flavor (3,638) \\ Has focus (4,812) \\ Has form continuity (19,932) \\ Has free indicator (16,302) \\ Has indir device (78) \\ Has indir morph (571) \\ Has indir proc site (9,205) \\ Has inherent (189) \\ Has inherent loc (9) \\ Has intended site (333) \\ Has intent (5,881) \\ Has interpretation (13,852) \\ Has interprets (43,538) \\ Has laterality (12,151) \\ Has legal category (152,667) \\ Has licensed route (40,783) \\ Has life circumstan (2,500) \\ Has manifestation (23) \\ Has measurement (17) \\ Has method (68,862) \\ Has modification (2,126) \\ Has non-avail ind (340,842) \\ Has numerator unit (6,776) \\ Has numerator value (7,492) \\ Has occurrence (12,800) \\ Has ontological form (18,007) \\ Has part of (42,213) \\ Has pathology (18,355) \\ Has prec ingredient (9,042) \\ Has precondition (14) \\ Has priority (343) \\ Has proc context (3,760) \\ Has proc device (313) \\ Has proc duration (136) \\ Has process output (165) \\ Has proc morph (212) \\ Has proc site (3,792) \\ Has property (724) \\ Has property type (32) \\ Has recipient cat (124) \\ Has relat context (6,436) \\ Has relative part (6) \\ Has release charact (295) \\ Has revision status (1,255) \\ Has route (18,494) \\ Has route of admin (188) \\ Has scale type (564) \\ Has severity (38) \\ Has spec active ing (197,004) \\ Has specimen (3,220) \\ Has specimen morph (156) \\ Has specimen proc (984) \\ Has specimen source (130) \\ Has specimen subst (952) \\ Has specimen topo (1,431) \\ Has state of matter (58) \\ Has surgical appr (696) \\ Has technique (155) \\ Has temp finding (30) \\ Has temporal context (6,731) \\ Has time aspect (23) \\ Has trade family grp (2,166) \\ Has transformation (275) \\ Has unit (7) \\ Has unit of admin (2,010) \\ Has unit of presen (3,968) \\ Has unit of prod use (9,692) \\ Has VMP (34,478) \\ Has VRP (63) \\ Indir device of (80) \\ Indir morph of (1,014) \\ Indir proc site of (15,462) \\ Inherent location of (9) \\ Inheres in (189) \\ Intended site of (351) \\ Intent of (21,701) \\ Interpretation of (13,660) \\ Interprets of (43,032) \\ Is a (1,410,907) \\ Is characterized by (369) \\ Laterality of (12,408) \\ Legal category of (153,799) \\ Licensed route of (42,345) \\ Manifestation of (250) \\ Mapped from (1,722,313) \\ Maps to (552,484) \\ Maps to value (2) \\ Measurement of (17) \\ Method of (183,087) \\ Modification of (2,128) \\ Non-avail ind of (344,668) \\ Numerator unit of (7,390) \\ Numerator value of (8,131) \\ Occurrence of (13,736) \\ Occurs after (3,138) \\ Occurs before (3,579) \\ Ontological form of (18,436) \\ Paral imprt ind (17,283) \\ Paral imprt of (17,283) \\ Part of (42,639) \\ Pathology of (20,324) \\ Physiol state of (65) \\ Plays role (4,290) \\ Prec ingredient of (9,674) \\ Precondition of (14) \\ Priority of (366) \\ Proc context of (4,019) \\ Proc device of (1,084) \\ Proc duration of (136) \\ Process output of (164) \\ Proc morph of (321) \\ Proc site of (18,335) \\ Property of (3,598) \\ Property type of (32) \\ Recipient cat of (134) \\ Relat context of (7,337) \\ Relative part of (6) \\ Release charact of (305) \\ Revision status of (7,492) \\ Role played by (4,375) \\ Route of (21,219) \\ Route of admin of (201) \\ Scale type of (606) \\ Severity of (38) \\ SNOMED - ATC eq (301) \\ SNOMED cat - CPT4 (16,143) \\ SNOMED - CPT4 eq (15,928) \\ SNOMED - HOI (600) \\ SNOMED - ind/CI (47,568) \\ SNOMED - MedDRA eq (12,778) \\ SNOMED - NDFRT eq (2,546) \\ SNOMED - RxNorm eq (16,143) \\ SNOMED - VA Class eq (145) \\ Spec active ing of (197,642) \\ Specimen identity of (136) \\ Specimen morph of (159) \\ Specimen of (3,354) \\ Specimen proc of (993) \\ Specimen subst of (1,026) \\ Specimen topo of (1,488) \\ State of matter of (88) \\ Sub-specimen of (1) \\ Subst used by (20,566) \\ Subsumes (1,728,763) \\ Surgical appr of (2,390) \\ Technique of (155) \\ Temporal context of (8,099) \\ Temp related to (30) \\ Time aspect of (23) \\ Trade family grp of (2,165) \\ Transformation of (284) \\ Unit of (7) \\ Unit of admin of (2,107) \\ Unit of presen of (4,556) \\ Unit of prod use of (10,563) \\ Using acc device (1,810) \\ Using device (5,651) \\ Using energy (330) \\ Using finding inform (2,270) \\ Using finding method (4,892) \\ Using subst (3,433) \\ Value mapped from (3,450) \\ VMP has prescr stat (340,742) \\ VMP of (30,417) \\ VMP prescr stat of (344,566) \\ VRP has prescr stat (44) \\ VRP of (53) \\ VRP prescr stat of (54) | +
- +
- ===== SNOMED Veterinary ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **SNOMED Veterinary** \\ Stand (31,994) \\ Non-stand (396) | Condition (3,093) \\ Device (67) \\ Drug (372) \\ Measurement (2) \\ Metadata (24) \\ Observation (27,401) \\ Procedure (389) \\ Spec Anatomic Site (922) \\ Specimen (120) | Attribute (6) \\ Body Structure (922) \\ Clinical Finding (3,100) \\ Event (15) \\ Life circumstance (73) \\ Location (1) \\ Model Comp (21) \\ Morph Abnormality (72) \\ Navi Concept (3) \\ Observable Entity (37) \\ Organism (26,968) \\ Pharma/Biol Product (372) \\ Physical Object (1) \\ Procedure (391) \\ Qualifier Value (131) \\ Social Context (3) \\ Specimen (120) \\ Substance (154) | Active ing of (1) \\ Asso morph of (10) \\ Asso with finding (5) \\ Causative agent of (12) \\ Component of (6) \\ Concept poss_eq from (16) \\ Concept replaces (23) \\ Concept same_as from (10) \\ Dir proc site of (103) \\ Due to of (1) \\ Finding asso with (15) \\ Finding site of (463) \\ Followed by (9) \\ Follows (2) \\ Has active ing (386) \\ Has asso morph (1,539) \\ Has causative agent (543) \\ Has clinical course (28) \\ Has component (64) \\ Has dir device (25) \\ Has dir morph (22) \\ Has dir proc site (181) \\ Has dir subst (65) \\ Has disposition (40) \\ Has due to (32) \\ Has finding site (2,709) \\ Has focus (13) \\ Has indir proc site (35) \\ Has intent (11) \\ Has interpretation (184) \\ Has interprets (705) \\ Has laterality (172) \\ Has life circumstan (509) \\ Has manifestation (36) \\ Has method (350) \\ Has occurrence (137) \\ Has part of (1,130) \\ Has pathology (632) \\ Has physiol state (229) \\ Has proc site (31) \\ Has relat context (1) \\ Has specimen (19) \\ Has specimen morph (3) \\ Has specimen proc (21) \\ Has specimen source (6) \\ Has specimen subst (69) \\ Has specimen topo (70) \\ Has sub-specimen (8) \\ Indir proc site of (18) \\ Interprets of (22) \\ Is a (35,339) \\ Life circumstan of (3,009) \\ Mapped from (32,044) \\ Maps to (31,994) \\ Modification of (3) \\ Part of (291) \\ Physiol state of (163) \\ Plays role (4) \\ Proc site of (3) \\ Specimen subst of (2) \\ Specimen topo of (8) \\ Sub-specimen of (7) \\ Subsumes (21,478) \\ Using device (19) \\ Using finding method (15) \\ Using subst (2) | +
- +
- ===== Specimen Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Specimen Type** \\ Stand (1) | Type Concept (1) | Specimen Type (1) | Mapped from (1) \\ Maps to (1) | +
- +
- ===== SPL ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **SPL** \\ Class (422,597) \\ Non-stand (14,677) | Device (1,281) \\ Drug (435,869) \\ Observation (124) | Animal Drug (242) \\ Cellular Therapy (40) \\ Cosmetic (108) \\ Device (1,281) \\ Food (16) \\ Ingredient (1,076) \\ Non-Stand Allergenic (265) \\ OTC Drug (241,293) \\ Plasma Derivative (803) \\ Prescription Drug (176,268) \\ SPL (14,677) \\ Standard Allergenic (125) \\ Supplement (477) \\ Vaccine (603) | Maps to (60,831) \\ SPL - RxNorm (517,172) | +
- +
- ===== Sponsor ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Sponsor** \\ Stand (6) | Sponsor (6) | Sponsor (6) | Mapped from (6) \\ Maps to (6) | +
- +
- ===== Supplier ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Supplier** \\ Stand (1) | Provider (1) | Provider (1) | Mapped from (2) \\ Maps to (1) \\ Subsumes (34) | +
- +
- ===== SUS ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **SUS** \\ Non-stand (4,593) | Device (400) \\ Drug (342) \\ Measurement (639) \\ Observation (279) \\ Procedure (2,933) | SUS (4,593) | Maps to (4,758) | +
- +
- ===== UB04 Point of Origin ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **UB04 Point of Origin** \\ Non-stand (22) | Visit (22) | UB04 Point of Origin (22) | Maps to (12) | +
- +
- ===== UB04 Pri Typ of Adm ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **UB04 Pri Typ of Adm** \\ Stand (6) | Observation (6) | UB04 Pri Typ of Adm (6) | Mapped from (6) \\ Maps to (6) | +
- +
- ===== UB04 Pt dis status ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **UB04 Pt dis status** \\ Non-stand (55) | Visit (55) | UB04 Pt dis status (55) | Maps to (40) | +
- +
- ===== UB04 Typ bill ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **UB04 Typ bill** \\ Stand (4) \\ Non-stand (294) | Observation (19) \\ Visit (279) | Observation (19) \\ Visit (279) | Is a (4) \\ Mapped from (33) \\ Maps to (284) | +
- +
- ===== UCUM ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **UCUM** \\ Stand (910) | Unit (910) | Canonical Unit (35) \\ Unit (875) | Concept replaces (54) \\ Mapped from (1,036) \\ Maps to (910) \\ Unit of (256) | +
- +
- ===== US Census ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **US Census** \\ Stand (13) | Geography (13) | US Census Division (9) \\ US Census Region (4) | Is a (13) \\ Mapped from (13) \\ Maps to (13) \\ Subsumes (60) | +
- +
- ===== VA Class ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **VA Class** \\ Non-stand (486) | Drug (486) | VA Class (486) | Drug class of drug (44) \\ Has MoA (2) \\ Is a (486) \\ May treat (12) \\ Subsumes (19,131) \\ VA Class - SNOMED eq (194) \\ VA Class to ATC eq (46) \\ VA Class to NDFRT eq (34) | +
- +
- ===== VA Product ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **VA Product** \\ Non-stand (18,666) | Drug (18,666) | VA Product (18,666) | CI by (33,272) \\ Has chem structure (5,095) \\ Has CI chem class (1,859) \\ Has CI MoA (736) \\ Has CI physio effect (529) \\ Has metabolism (343) \\ Has metabolites (57) \\ Has MoA (18,958) \\ Has physio effect (30,256) \\ Has PK (732) \\ Has product comp (41,469) \\ Has therap class (1,883) \\ Induces (602) \\ Is a (37,343) \\ Maps to (14,192) \\ May be inhibited by (11) \\ May diagnose (869) \\ May prevent (7,846) \\ May treat (55,737) \\ NDFRT has dose form (14,236) \\ NDFRT has ing (19,003) \\ VAProd - RxNorm eq (15,312) | +
- +
- ===== Visit ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Visit** \\ Stand (16) | Visit (16) | Visit (16) | Is a (5) \\ Mapped from (40) \\ Maps to (16) \\ Subsumes (101) | +
- +
- ===== Visit Type ===== +
-^ Vocabulary ^ Count of domains ^ Count of classes ^ Count of relationships ^ +
-| **Visit Type** \\ Stand (18) | Type Concept (18) | Visit Type (18) | Is a (15) \\ Mapped from (18) \\ Maps to (18) \\ Subsumes (15) | +
- +
documentation/vocabulary/vocabulary_statistics.1591907779.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/11 20:36 by vocabreleaserobot