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documentation:vocabulary:loinc [2015/10/11 22:00]
cgreich [Domains]
documentation:vocabulary:loinc [2024/09/03 11:19] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ===== LOINC ===== ===== LOINC =====
-LOINC is a coding system ​for lab tests, but also for surveys, tests and other clinical procedures or activities that create a result, usually for a diagnostic purpose. +Thank you for visiting ​the wiki! This page has moved to​OHDSI/​Vocabulary-v5.0/​wiki/​Vocab.-LOINC
- +
-==== Sources ==== +
-All LOINC source information is obtained from the LOINC websites that is supported by the Regenstrief institute, except the mapping between LOINC and CPT4, which is provided by the NLM: +
-Generic LOINC Concept +
-  - LOINC Multiaxial Hierarchy  +
-  - LOINC Forms and LOINC Answers  +
-  - LOINC Panel +
-  - LOINC Class +
-  - LOINC to CPT mapping +
-  - LOINC to SNOMED mapping +
- +
-==== Standard Concepts ==== +
-All LOINC Concepts are Standard Concepts, while Concepts of the Source LOINC Class, LOINC Hierarchy are Classification Concepts. +
- +
-==== Concept Classes ​ ==== +
-Concepts in the LOINC vocabulary are assigned Concept Class as following: +
-^Source^Resourced^Concept Class^Description^ +
-|LOINC|CLASSTYPE=1|Lab Test|The Universal Lab Order Codes Value Set contains the most frequent lab orders| +
-| |CLASSTYPE=2|Clinical Observation|Anything that can be tested, measured, or observed about a patient without removing a specimen| +
-| |CLASSTYPE=3|Claims Attachment|Information necessary to adjudicate claims for ambulance, rehabilitation,​ or emergency room services| +
-| |CLASSTYPE=4|Survey|Set of questions on a survey or form| +
-| |CLASS|LOINC Class|Similar to the Concept Classes of each LOINC Concept, but more detailed and hierarchical| +
-|LOINC Hierarchy|CODE|LOINC Hierarchy|Similar to LOINC Class, but separate hierarchical system| +
-|LOINC Answer|AnswerStringID|Answer|Observation result value as an answer to a LOINC Concept| +
- +
-==== Domains ==== +
-LOINC Concepts can have a Measurement or Observation DomainThis is assigned as following:​ +
-^Source^Depending on ^Domain^ +
-|LOINC|CLASSTYPE=1 or 2|Measurement| +
-| |CLASSTYPE=3 or 4|Observation| +
-|LOINC Hierarchy|Concept_code>'​LP76352-1'​|Observation| +
-| |Concept_code>​='​LP76352-1'​|Measurement| +
-|LOINC Class|Manual|Observation or Measurement| +
-|LOINC Answer||Meas Value| +
- +
-==== Relationships ==== +
-Relationships are defined within LOINC and between LOINC and CPT and LOINC and SNOMED: +
- +
-=== Internal LOINC relationships === +
-  - "Is a" relationships between LOINC Concepts and LOINC Hierarchy and LOINC Class Concepts +
-  - "Has Answer"​ relationships between LOINC Concepts and LOINC Answer Concepts +
-  - "Panel contains"​ relationships between LOINC Concepts +
- +
-=== LOINC to SNOMED relationships === +
-These relationships are defined as "LOINC - SNOMED eq" between "LOINC Hierarchy"​ Concepts and SNOMED Concepts representing the entity that is measuredNote that only a small fraction (1% as of late 2015) are currently mappedAlso, note that some of the mappings seem to confuse the testing for drugs with the drugs themselves. +
- +
-=== LOINC to CPT relationships === +
-These relationships are defined as "​LOINC ​CPT4 eq" between ​LOINC Lab Test Concepts and SNOMED Concepts. Note that only a small franction (2% as of late 2015) are mapped. +
- +
-=== Hierarchy === +
-All internal "Is a" and "Panel contains"​ relationships participate in the creation of the CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table, creating an internal hierarchy within LOINC not connected to the larger Measurement or Observation Domain space. +
- +
documentation/vocabulary/loinc.1444600803.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/11 22:00 by cgreich