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documentation:vocabulary:introduction [2014/12/13 18:21]
documentation:vocabulary:introduction [2024/09/02 09:40] (current)
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 ====== Introduction ====== ====== Introduction ======
-The Standardized Vocabularies are part of the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM). They contain all of the code sets, terminologies,​ vocabularies,​ nomenclatures,​ lexicons, thesauri, ontologies, taxonomies, classifications,​ abstractions,​ and other such data that are required for: +Thank you for visiting ​the wiki! This page has moved to​OHDSI/​Vocabulary-v5.0/wiki.
-  * Creating the transformed data in CDM format from the raw data sets, +
-  * Searching and querying the data, and browsing and navigating the hierarchies of classes and abstractions inherent in the transformed data, and +
-  * Interpreting the meanings of the data. +
-The Standardized Vocabularies are now released in Version 5.0. There have been changes to the previous versions, without violating any of the design principles. In particular, all concepts in previous versions are still available and identified using the same Concept IDs. New data domains were added to the concept list (Device, Measurement,​ Specimen) and all concepts are now formally assigned a Domain+
documentation/vocabulary/introduction.1418494903.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/13 18:21 by cgreich