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documentation:vocabulary:ethnicity [2016/03/12 21:31]
cgreich created
documentation:vocabulary:ethnicity [2024/09/02 09:47] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-This classification provides a minimum standard for maintaining,​ collecting, ​and +===== Ethnicity Domain ​and Vocabulary ===== 
-presenting data on race and ethnicity for all Federal reporting purposes. The categories in this + 
-classification are social-political constructs and should not be interpreted as being scientific or +Thank you for visiting the wiki! This page has moved to​OHDSI/​Vocabulary-v5.0/​wiki/​Ethnicity-Domain.
-anthropological in nature. They are not to be used as determinants of eligibility ​for participation +
-in any Federal program. The standards have been developed ​to provide a common language for +
-uniformity and comparability in the collection and use of data on race and ethnicity by Federal +
-agencies. +
-The standards have five categories for data on raceAmerican Indian or Alaska Native, +
-Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and WhiteThere +
-are two categories for data on ethnicity: "​Hispanic or Latino,"​ and "Not Hispanic or Latino." ​+
documentation/vocabulary/ethnicity.1457818289.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/12 21:31 by cgreich