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documentation:vocabulary:cim10 [2020/09/18 15:17]
mkallfelz created
documentation:vocabulary:cim10 [2024/09/02 10:09] (current)
jcruz Depreciation of page and posting of corresponding link in Github wiki
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-CIM10 is the [[|French version of the ICD10 classification]]It has been initially created from the 2020 version and might in this version lack some historic, now deprecated, entries. +Thank you for visiting ​the wiki! This page has moved to
- +
-It comes in ClaML format and we intend to create versions going back a couple of years in the future, depending on community requests for it.+
documentation/vocabulary/cim10.1600442260.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/18 15:17 by mkallfelz