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documentation:software:atlas:data-sources [2016/08/19 15:56]
documentation:software:atlas:data-sources [2019/05/30 20:44] (current)
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-======Data Sources======+===== IMPORTANT NOTE ===== 
 +All ATLAS documentation has moved to [[https://​​OHDSI/​ATLAS/​wiki|GitHub]]. Please disregard the content below as it is legacy and kept for posterity. 
 +======Data Sources ​(LEGACY)======
 ---- ----
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 ===== Prerequisite Setup ===== ===== Prerequisite Setup =====
 +You must install Achilles in order to use this feature in Atlas. See the [[http://​​web/​wiki/​doku.php?​id=documentation:​software:​achilles#​installation_and_support|installation and support]] for more details.
 +===== Navigating Reports =====
 +In Atlas, select the **Data Sources** menu item. Next select a data source to use for exploring the database characterization reports: ​
-You must install Achilles in order to use this feature in AtlasSee the [[​OHDSI/​Atlas/​wiki/​Installation-&​-Setup#​cdm-statistics-achilles|installation and setup guide]] for more details. +{{ :​documentation:​software:​atlas:​atlas_data_sources_select.png?direct |}} 
- +Next, use the second drop down to explore reports for the selected data source: 
-===== Navigating Reports =====+{{ :​documentation:​software:​atlas:​atlas_data_sources_report.png?​direct ​|}} 
 +Certain reports provide a treemap/​table view with a capability to drilldown into details ​for a conceptFor example, the condition report provides the treemap view as a default: 
 +{{ :​documentation:​software:​atlas:​atlas_data_sources_treemap.png?​direct |}} 
 +Use the tabs to select the '​table'​ option to view a tabular display of the concepts represented in the treemap: 
 +{{ :​documentation:​software:​atlas:​atlas_data_sources_table.png?​direct |}} 
 +You can filter the results shown above by using the '​Search:'​ in the upper-right hand corner of the table display. Once you have a concept of interest, you can drill down by clicking on the row in the table (or a cell in the treemap) to reveal further details: 
 +{{ :​documentation:​software:​atlas:​atlas_data_sources_drilldown.png?​direct |}}
-In the top right of the data sources page you will find two drop downs: Data Sources and Reports. The data sources pull down will contain the list of data sources that were configured when setting up [[https://​​OHDSI/​Atlas/​wiki/​Installation-&​-Setup#​cdm-statistics-achilles|installation and setup guide]]. The reports section will contain the list of available reports. 
documentation/software/atlas/data-sources.1471622213.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/08/19 15:56 by jhardin