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documentation:oncology:meeting_notes_2019_jul-23 [2019/07/26 10:37]
documentation:oncology:meeting_notes_2019_jul-23 [2019/07/26 10:59] (current)
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 Here is a link to a recording of the meeting: [[https://​​s/​wh1II|recording]].  ​ Here is a link to a recording of the meeting: [[https://​​s/​wh1II|recording]].  ​
 **Topics** **Topics**
- +    ​* Michael Gurley shared updated DDL for the OMOP Oncology CDM extension. [[https://​​OHDSI/​OncologyWG/​tree/​master/​ddl|DDL]]. ​  The update renamed a column '​episode_event_event_id'​ to '​event_id'​ in the EPISODE_EVENT table.  This had been decided a while back but not been implemented.  The update ​also renamed constraints/​indexes to be in line with current ​OMOP naming conventions. 
-    ​* Michael Gurley shared updated DDL for the OMOP Oncology CDM extension. [[https://​​OHDSI/​OncologyWG/​tree/​master/​ddl|DDL]]. ​  The update renamed a column '​episode_event_event_id'​ to '​event_id'​ in the EPISODE_EVENT table. ​ The update ​all renamed constraints/​indexes to be in line with current naming conventions. +    * Rimma Belenkaya ​and Michael reviewed the first draft of the [[https://​​OHDSI/​OncologyWG/​blob/​master/​documentation/​OHDSI%20Oncology%20Module%20-%20Crosswal%20from%20Cancer%20Registry.pdf|ETL documentation]]. 
-    * Rimma Belnakya ​and Michael reviewed the first draft of the [[https://​​OHDSI/​OncologyWG/​blob/​master/​documentation/​OHDSI%20Oncology%20Module%20-%20Crosswal%20from%20Cancer%20Registry.pdf|ETL documentation]]. +      * Michael highlighted the need for shared code to help pre-process ​different NAACCR formats to work with the ETL documentation. ​ The ETL expects input data to be in an EAV format, one row per NAACCR ​item, keyed by patient and histology/​site. 
-      * Michael highlighted the need for shared code to help pre-proccess ​different NAACCR formats to work with the ETL documentation. ​ The ETL expects input data to be in an EAV format, one row per NAAACCR ​item, keyed by patient and histology/​site. +      * The group discussed adopting the convention for referencing recurrent/​subsequent diagnoses via the EPISODE.episode_parent_id between '​Disease First Occurrence'​ episodes and subsequent Episode entries. 
-      *  +        * The group agreed that this convention makes sense. ​ It will be enshrined in the [[https://​​OHDSI/​OncologyWG/​issues/​57|documentation]]. ​  
 +      * The group discussed whether '​Disease Episode'​ concepts should apply to CONDITION_OCCURRENCE entries or only to EPISODE entries. 
 +          * The group agreed to see if ETL testing bears out if this is necessary.
documentation/oncology/meeting_notes_2019_jul-23.1564137456.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/26 10:37 by mgurley