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documentation:oncology:meeting_notes_2017_may_02 [2017/05/10 06:51]
rimma_belenkaya created
documentation:oncology:meeting_notes_2017_may_02 [2017/05/10 07:18] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-  * Cancer diagnosis proposal was revisited with a demo from Christian Reich via mapping SNOMED à NCI Metathesaurus à ICD-O per suggestions from Iker.+  * {{https://​​document/​d/​1ADxqvjO4MxoYoEd9aJPZOswSKAPvf4YOEjj0gWnwqfA |Cancer diagnosis proposal}}  ​was revisited with a demo from Christian Reich via mapping SNOMED à NCI Metathesaurus à ICD-O per suggestions from Iker
 + ​{{:​documentation:​oncology:​snomed-nci.xlsx| the full list of SNOMED codes that are descendants of “Malignant Neoplastic Disease”, and their crosswalk to NCI codes through UMLS.}} 
 + ​{{http://​​t/​international-classification-of-diseases-for-oncology-icd-o/​1851/​14| Forum discussion}} 
 +  * Michael Gurley will generate the list of valid site/​histology combinations based on the SEER validation list and then attempt to query the NCI Metathesaurus to find a SNOMED code for each combination -- using Iker's suggestions.
   * Mitra Rocca and Guoqian Jiang to contact NCI team on their current efforts.   * Mitra Rocca and Guoqian Jiang to contact NCI team on their current efforts.
-  * Treatment regimens are more structured in tumor registries ​than EMR and would require literature review.+  ​* Identifying of treatment episodes and treatment regimens in EMR and consequently in the OMOP CDM is a challenge. Literature review will be helpful. Looking for volunteers. 
 +  ​* Treatment regimens are better ​structured in tumor registries
documentation/oncology/meeting_notes_2017_may_02.1494399101.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/05/10 06:51 by rimma_belenkaya