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documentation:next_cdm:single_cost [2016/03/08 19:07]
documentation:next_cdm:single_cost [2016/03/08 19:09] (current)
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 |cost_domain_id|Yes|string(20)|The concept representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.| |cost_domain_id|Yes|string(20)|The concept representing the domain of the cost event, from which the corresponding table can be inferred.|
 |currency_concept_id|No|integer|A concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar.| |currency_concept_id|No|integer|A concept representing the 3-letter code used to delineate international currencies, such as USD for US Dollar.|
-|total_cost_type_concept_id|Yes|integer|Shows the provenance or the source of the cost data: Claims, provider revenue, etc.| 
 |total_charged|No|float|The total amount charged by the provider of the good/​service (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider) billed to a payer. ​ This information is usually provided in claims data.| |total_charged|No|float|The total amount charged by the provider of the good/​service (e.g. hospital, physician pharmacy, dme provider) billed to a payer. ​ This information is usually provided in claims data.|
 |total_cost|No|float|Cost of service/​device/​drug incurred by provider/​pharmacy. ​ This field is more commonly derived from charge information. ​ Use case:  The resulting amount after the hospital charges are multiplied by the cost-to-charge ratio. ​ This data is currently available for [[https://​​db/​nation/​nis/​nisdbdocumentation.jsp|NIS]] datasets, or any other [[https://​​databases.jsp|HCUP]] datasets. ​ See cost calculation explanation from AHRQ [[https://​​db/​state/​costtocharge.jsp|here]].| |total_cost|No|float|Cost of service/​device/​drug incurred by provider/​pharmacy. ​ This field is more commonly derived from charge information. ​ Use case:  The resulting amount after the hospital charges are multiplied by the cost-to-charge ratio. ​ This data is currently available for [[https://​​db/​nation/​nis/​nisdbdocumentation.jsp|NIS]] datasets, or any other [[https://​​databases.jsp|HCUP]] datasets. ​ See cost calculation explanation from AHRQ [[https://​​db/​state/​costtocharge.jsp|here]].|
 +|total_cost_type_concept_id|Yes|integer|Shows the provenance or the source of the total_cost data: Calculated from provider revenue, calculated from cost-to-charge ratio, reported from accounting database, etc.|
 |total_paid|No|float|The total amount paid from all payers for the expenses of the service/​device/​drug. ​ This field is calculated using the following formula: paid_by_payer + paid_by_patient + paid_by_primary. ​ In claims data, this field is considered the calculated field the payer expects the provider to get reimbursed for the service/​device/​drug from the payer and from the patient, based on the payer'​s contractual obligations.| |total_paid|No|float|The total amount paid from all payers for the expenses of the service/​device/​drug. ​ This field is calculated using the following formula: paid_by_payer + paid_by_patient + paid_by_primary. ​ In claims data, this field is considered the calculated field the payer expects the provider to get reimbursed for the service/​device/​drug from the payer and from the patient, based on the payer'​s contractual obligations.|
 |paid_by_payer|No|float|The amount paid by the Payer for the service/​device/​drug. ​ In claims data, generally there is one field representing the total payment from the payer for the service/​device/​drug. ​ However, this field could be a calculated field if the source data provides separate payment information for the ingredient cost and the dispensing fee.  If the paid_ingredient_cost or paid_dispensing_fee fields are populated with nonzero values, the paid_by_payer field is calculated using the following formula: ​ paid_ingredient_cost + paid_dispensing_fee. ​  If there is more than one Payer in the source data, several cost records indicate that fact.  The Payer reporting this reimbursement should be indicated under the payer_plan_id field.| |paid_by_payer|No|float|The amount paid by the Payer for the service/​device/​drug. ​ In claims data, generally there is one field representing the total payment from the payer for the service/​device/​drug. ​ However, this field could be a calculated field if the source data provides separate payment information for the ingredient cost and the dispensing fee.  If the paid_ingredient_cost or paid_dispensing_fee fields are populated with nonzero values, the paid_by_payer field is calculated using the following formula: ​ paid_ingredient_cost + paid_dispensing_fee. ​  If there is more than one Payer in the source data, several cost records indicate that fact.  The Payer reporting this reimbursement should be indicated under the payer_plan_id field.|
documentation/next_cdm/single_cost.1457464025.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2016/03/08 19:07 by jenniferduryea