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documentation:methods_library [2015/04/06 23:17]
schuemie created
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-====== Methods library ====== 
-The methods library consists of a set of R packages that can be used to execute observational studies against data in the Common Data Model (CDM) format. The following packages are available: 
-  * [[https://​​OHDSI/​SelfControlledCohort|SelfControlledCohort]],​ previously also known as Observational Screening. 
-  * [[https://​​OHDSI/​SelfControlledCaseSeries|SelfControlledCaseSeries]],​ an implementation of the Multiple SCCS method allowing many covariates (e.g. all drug exposures) to be included in the model. 
-  * [[https://​​OHDSI/​IcTemporalPatternDiscovery|IcTemporalPatternDiscovery]] 
-  * [[https://​​OHDSI/​CohortMethod|CohortMethod]],​ for performing new-user cohort studies using large-scale propensity scores (e.g. including all drugs, conditions, procedures, comorbidity indices, etc.). 
-All OHDSI methods are designed to be able to run customized one-off studies for a particular exposure-outcome pair, but also across a large set of pairs, and using many different predefined analysis choices. 
-**Supporting packages** 
-From the OMOP experiment we learned that it is important to measure and understand the operating characteristics of methods in the settings that they'​re used, and to use these measured operating characteristics to calibrate the estimates produced by the methods. To facilitate these tasks, the following packages have been developed: 
-  * [[https://​​OHDSI/​MethodEvaluation|MethodEvaluation]],​ for evaluating the performance of a method against established reference sets and simulated data. 
-  * [[https://​​OHDSI/​EmpiricalCalibration|EmpiricalCalibration]],​ for estimating the standard error distribution of a method using negative controls, and computing calibrated p-values. 
-**Using the OHDSI R packages** 
-All packages have package manuals describing the functions available in the package, and most packages have vignettes that describe how to use the package in a more user-friendly way. You can access the manuals and vignettes from the front pages of each Github repository. 
documentation/methods_library.1428362230.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2015/04/06 23:17 by schuemie