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documentation:cdm:standardized_health_system_data_tables [2014/12/06 16:58]
documentation:cdm:standardized_health_system_data_tables [2017/09/25 15:07] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Standardized Health System Data Tables ====== ====== Standardized Health System Data Tables ======
 +**THIS IS OUTDATED. All documentation is now on the [[https://​​OHDSI/​CommonDataModel/​wiki|github wiki]]. Please refer there or to the [[projects:​workgroups:​cdm-wg|CDM working group]] for more information**
 These tables describe the healthcare provider system responsible for administering the healthcare of the patient, rather than the demographic or clinical events the patient experienced. These tables describe the healthcare provider system responsible for administering the healthcare of the patient, rather than the demographic or clinical events the patient experienced.
 Below provides an entity-relationship diagram highlighting the tables within the Standardized Health System portion of the OMOP Common Data Model: Below provides an entity-relationship diagram highlighting the tables within the Standardized Health System portion of the OMOP Common Data Model:
 {{ :​documentation:​cdm:​standard_health_system_data_tables.png?​nolink&​800|}} {{ :​documentation:​cdm:​standard_health_system_data_tables.png?​nolink&​800|}}
 Standardized Health System Data Entity-Relationship diagram Standardized Health System Data Entity-Relationship diagram
documentation/cdm/standardized_health_system_data_tables.1417885132.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/06 16:58 by cgreich