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documentation:cdm:observation_period [2014/12/02 01:52]
documentation:cdm:observation_period [2017/09/25 15:00] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== OBSERVATION_PERIOD =====+===== OBSERVATION_PERIOD ​table ===== 
 +**THIS IS OUTDATED. All documentation is now on the [[https://​​OHDSI/​CommonDataModel/​wiki|github wiki]]. Please refer there or to the [[projects:​workgroups:​cdm-wg|CDM working group]] for more information**
 The OBSERVATION_PERIOD table contains records which uniquely define the spans of time for which a Person is at-risk to have clinical events recorded within the source systems, even if no events in fact are recorded (healthy patient with no healthcare interactions). The OBSERVATION_PERIOD table contains records which uniquely define the spans of time for which a Person is at-risk to have clinical events recorded within the source systems, even if no events in fact are recorded (healthy patient with no healthcare interactions).
documentation/cdm/observation_period.1417485175.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/02 01:52 by jduke