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documentation:cdm:device_cost [2014/12/06 17:03]
cgreich [DEVICE_COST]
documentation:cdm:device_cost [2016/05/03 19:56] (current)
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 ===== DEVICE_COST table ===== ===== DEVICE_COST table =====
 +As of version 5.0.1 (5-Apr-2016),​ this table is no longer part of the OMOP CDM. It is replaced by the [[documentation:​cdm:​cost|COST]] table.
 +For prior definition, see below.
 The DEVICE_COST table captures the cost of a medical Device or supply used on a Person. The information about the cost is only derived from the amounts paid for the device. The DEVICE_COST table captures the cost of a medical Device or supply used on a Person. The information about the cost is only derived from the amounts paid for the device.
 ^Field^Required^Type^Description^ ^Field^Required^Type^Description^
documentation/cdm/device_cost.1417885389.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/06 17:03 by cgreich