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documentation:cdm:concept_relationship [2014/11/15 02:38]
cgreich created
documentation:cdm:concept_relationship [2017/09/25 14:58] (current)
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 ===== CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table ===== ===== CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table =====
 +**THIS IS OUTDATED. All documentation is now on the [[https://​​OHDSI/​CommonDataModel/​wiki|github wiki]]. Please refer there or to the [[projects:​workgroups:​cdm-wg|CDM working group]] for more information**
-The CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table contains records that define direct relationships between any two Concepts and the nature or type of the relationship. Each type of a relationship is defined in the RELATIONSHIP table, whcih can generally be classified as hierarchical (parent-child) or non-hierarchical (lateral). All Relationships are directional,​ and each Concept Relationship is represented twice symmetrically within the CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table. For example, the two SNOMED concepts of ‘Acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall’ and ‘Acute myocardial infarction’ have two Concept Relationships:​ 1- ‘Acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall’ ‘Is a’ ‘Acute myocardial infarction’,​ and 2- ‘Acute myocardial infarction’ ‘Subsumes’ ‘Acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall’.+The CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP table contains records that define direct relationships between any two Concepts and the nature or type of the relationship. Each type of a relationship is defined in the [[documentation:​cdm:​relationship|RELATIONSHIP]] table.
 ^Field^Required^Type^Description^ ^Field^Required^Type^Description^
-|concept_id_1|Yes|integer|A foreign key to a Concept in the CONCEPT table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional,​ and this field represents the source concept designation.| +|concept_id_1|Yes|integer|A foreign key to a Concept in the [[documentation:​cdm:​concept|CONCEPT]] table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional,​ and this field represents the source concept designation.| 
-|concept_id_2|Yes|integer|A foreign key to a Concept in the CONCEPT table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional,​ and this field represents the destination concept designation.| +|concept_id_2|Yes|integer|A foreign key to a Concept in the [[documentation:​cdm:​concept|CONCEPT]] table associated with the relationship. Relationships are directional,​ and this field represents the destination concept designation.| 
-|relationship_id|Yes|varchar(20)|A unique identifier to the type or nature of the Relationship as defined in the RELATIONSHIP table.|+|relationship_id|Yes|varchar(20)|A unique identifier to the type or nature of the Relationship as defined in the [[documentation:​cdm:​relationship|RELATIONSHIP]] table.|
 |valid_start_date|Yes|date|The date when the instance of the Concept Relationship is first recorded.| |valid_start_date|Yes|date|The date when the instance of the Concept Relationship is first recorded.|
 |valid_end_date|Yes|date|The date when the Concept Relationship became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.| |valid_end_date|Yes|date|The date when the Concept Relationship became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.|
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 ==== Conventions ==== ==== Conventions ====
 +  * Relationships can generally be classified as hierarchical (parent-child) or non-hierarchical (lateral).  
 +  * All Relationships are directional,​ and each Concept Relationship is represented twice symmetrically within the [[documentation:​cdm:​concept_relationship|CONCEPT_RELATIONSHIP]] table. For example, the two SNOMED concepts of ‘Acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall’ and ‘Acute myocardial infarction’ have two Concept Relationships:​ 1- ‘Acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall’ ‘Is a’ ‘Acute myocardial infarction’,​ and 2- ‘Acute myocardial infarction’ ‘Subsumes’ ‘Acute myocardial infarction of the anterior wall’.
   * There is one record for each Concept Relationship connecting the same Concepts with the same relationship_id.   * There is one record for each Concept Relationship connecting the same Concepts with the same relationship_id.
-  * Since all Concept Relationships exist with their mirror image (concept_id_1 and concept_id_2 swapped, and the relationship_id replaced by the reverse_relationship_id from the [[documentation:cdm:​cdm:​relationship|RELATIONSHIP]] table), it is not necessary to query for the existence of a relationship both in the concept_id_1 and concept_id_2 fields. +  * Since all Concept Relationships exist with their mirror image (concept_id_1 and concept_id_2 swapped, and the relationship_id replaced by the reverse_relationship_id from the [[documentation:​cdm:​relationship|RELATIONSHIP]] table), it is not necessary to query for the existence of a relationship both in the concept_id_1 and concept_id_2 fields. 
-  * Concept Relationships define direct relationships between Concepts. Indirect relationships through 3rd concepts ​are not captured in this table. However, the [[documentation:​cdm:​cdm:​concept_ancestor|CONCEPT_ANCESTOR]] table does this for hierachical relationships over several "​generations"​ of direct relationships. +  * Concept Relationships define direct relationships between Concepts. Indirect relationships through 3rd Concepts ​are not captured in this table. However, the [[documentation:​cdm:​cdm:​concept_ancestor|CONCEPT_ANCESTOR]] table does this for hierachical relationships over several "​generations"​ of direct relationships. 
-  * In previous versions of the CDM, the relationship_id used to be a numerical identifier. See the [[documentation:cdm:​cdm:​relationship|RELATIONSHIP]] table.+  * In previous versions of the CDM, the relationship_id used to be a numerical identifier. See the [[documentation:​cdm:​relationship|RELATIONSHIP]] table. 
documentation/cdm/concept_relationship.1416019109.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/11/15 02:38 by cgreich