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development:unit_testing_in_r [2015/06/30 03:09]
schuemie created
development:unit_testing_in_r [2020/04/06 13:51] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-OHDSI unit testing for R follows the standard R practice using test_thatA folder named '​tests'​ is created in the root of the package, and this folder contains +This has moved to​MethodsLibrary/​developerGuidelines.html#​unit_tests
- +
-  * A sub-folder called '​testthat` +
-  * A file called '​testthat.R' +
- +
-The file '​testthat.R' should have the following content: +
- +
-  library(testthat) +
-  library(<​package name>) +
-  test_check("<​package name>"​) +
- +
- +
-The sub-folder '​testthat` should contain one or more R scripts whose file name starts with '​test-'​ (e.g. '​test-connection.R'​Each file should contain one or more `test_that` blocks, for example +
- +
- +
-  test_that("​Function x returns 2", { +
-    expect_equal(x(),​ 2) +
-  }) +
development/unit_testing_in_r.1435633762.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/30 03:09 by schuemie