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development:ohdsi_github_projects [2014/12/23 21:25]
lee created
development:ohdsi_github_projects [2016/10/18 18:43] (current)
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-OHDSI projects use Github for source control.+Updated can be found [[development:​ohdsi_github_projects_v2|here]]
-Here is the main URL of the OHDSI Github projects: [[https://​​OHDSI]]+==== Access to OHDSI project source code ==== 
 +Github is the source control repository for all OHDSI projects. 
 +Here is the main URL for OHDSI Github projects: [[https://​​OHDSI]] 
 +==== OHDSI collaborative development model ==== 
 +OHDSI developers use [[https://​​introduction/​flow/​index.html|Github flow]] with the fork and pull collaborative development model. 
 +Here is a good [[https://​​activities/​hello-world/​|"​Hello World" example]] but note that in the fork and pull model, unless you are the project maintainer, you will need to first fork the project master branch and then create a new branch for your change on your forked copy.  Your pull request then triggers the project maintainer to merge your forked project branch back into the main project master. 
 +[[https://​​articles/​using-pull-requests/​|Additional info on the fork and pull model of collaborative development]] 
 +==== Github Windows Client ==== 
 +If you develop on Windows, you can download the [[https://​​|Github for Windows Client]]. ​ There is a good [[https://​​help.html|Windows Github client guide]] with helpful info on cloning repositories and branching locally using the Windows client.
-OHDSI project developers follow [[https://​​introduction/​flow/​index.html|Github flow]] 
development/ohdsi_github_projects.1419369950.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/12/23 21:25 by lee