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projects:workgroups:psychiatry [2019/12/10 17:09]
dimshitc1 [Meeting Schedule]
projects:workgroups:psychiatry [2020/03/05 14:52]
kristin [Psychiatry Working Group]
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 Everybody who has an interest in the improvement of the OMOP Common Data Model and Standardized Vocabularies from a psychiatry perspective to meet all needs and use cases. Meeting information is below. ​ Everybody who has an interest in the improvement of the OMOP Common Data Model and Standardized Vocabularies from a psychiatry perspective to meet all needs and use cases. Meeting information is below. ​
-**Project Leads:​** ​ [[https://​​who-we-are/​collaborators/​dmitry-dymshyts|Dmitry Dymshyts]], [[|Mui Van Zandt]]+**Project Leads:​** ​ [[https://​​who-we-are/​collaborators/​dmitry-dymshyts|Dmitry Dymshyts]], [[|Shilpa Ratwani]]
 **[[http://​​web/​wiki/​doku.php?​id=projects:​workgroups:​psych-wg:​members|Workgroup Members]]** **[[http://​​web/​wiki/​doku.php?​id=projects:​workgroups:​psych-wg:​members|Workgroup Members]]**
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 ====Minutes==== ====Minutes====
-[[https://​​document/​d/​13e22kkNJrClCJqyXf32N5Uf6WqDlCItMfJbKqI6fNQE/​edit?​usp=sharing|OHDSI Psychiatry Working Group Minutes]]+[[https://​​document/​d/​13e22kkNJrClCJqyXf32N5Uf6WqDlCItMfJbKqI6fNQE/​edit?​usp=sharing|OHDSI Psychiatry Working Group Meeting ​Minutes]] 
 \\ \\
 +* [[documentation:​psychiatry:​recording|Meeting Recordings]]
 * [[documentation:​psychiatry:​forum|Forum discussions]] * [[documentation:​psychiatry:​forum|Forum discussions]]
 \\ \\
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 ** **
 Frequency**:​ Bi-monthly every first and third Thursday at 8am ET\\  Frequency**:​ Bi-monthly every first and third Thursday at 8am ET\\ 
-**Next Meeting**: ​12th December2019\\ +**Next Meeting**: ​5th March2020\\ 
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 ---- ----
 ====Conferencing Details==== ====Conferencing Details====
-**WebEx**: [[|Join WebEx meeting]] ​   +Join Zoom Meeting 
- +
-Meeting number (access code): 962 271 701\\   +
-Meeting password: OHDSI+
-**Join by phone**\\  +Meeting ID240 721 098
-+1-408-826-0365 (US Toll)\\  +
-1-844-517-1271 (US Toll Free)\\  +
-[[https://​​​​sdata=z17OlELE7pI0UPVpNkB1RsEa3ucXvCbMbOBuBSJe9cc%3D&​reserved=0]|Global call-in numbers]] ​ |  [[https://​​​​sdata=ms1neGBoLaHjoVXnX7wbpL9rEUIuMMs3Klu%2FQyAkJeE%3D&​reserved=0]|Toll-free calling restrictions]]+
-**Join from a video system or application**\\  +Password021565
-Dial [[]|]]\\  +
-You can also dial and enter your meeting number.+
 +Dial by your location
 +        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
 +        ​
 +        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
projects/workgroups/psychiatry.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/18 11:32 by ptalapova