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projects:workgroups:nlp-wg [2021/08/08 19:09]
vipina [OHDSI NLP WG Monthly Meeting]
projects:workgroups:nlp-wg [2023/03/03 21:04]
vipina [Upcoming Meeting Dates (2022)]
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 ==== Project Lead ==== ==== Project Lead ====
-Hua Xu+[[https://​​who-we-are/​collaborators/​hua-xu/​|Hua Xu]]\\ 
 ==== Project Coordinator ==== ==== Project Coordinator ====
-Vipina K Keloth ​+ ​[[ | Vipina KKeloth ​]]
 ==== OHDSI NLP WG Monthly Meeting ==== ==== OHDSI NLP WG Monthly Meeting ====
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 **Where:** [[https://​​dl/​launcher/​launcher.html?​url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Acd9841fec6df4f3d8eb6a6bf49ea305f%40thread.tacv2%2F1610663053273%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252200626e72-b11c-482a-9dc4-d8eff51c5e5f%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&​type=meetup-join&​deeplinkId=42431bac-788d-4a7b-8531-5eb2612224a6&​directDl=true&​msLaunch=true&​enableMobilePage=true&​suppressPrompt=true|Click here to join the meeting]] **Where:** [[https://​​dl/​launcher/​launcher.html?​url=%2F_%23%2Fl%2Fmeetup-join%2F19%3Acd9841fec6df4f3d8eb6a6bf49ea305f%40thread.tacv2%2F1610663053273%3Fcontext%3D%257b%2522Tid%2522%253a%2522a30f0094-9120-4aab-ba4c-e5509023b2d5%2522%252c%2522Oid%2522%253a%252200626e72-b11c-482a-9dc4-d8eff51c5e5f%2522%257d%26anon%3Dtrue&​type=meetup-join&​deeplinkId=42431bac-788d-4a7b-8531-5eb2612224a6&​directDl=true&​msLaunch=true&​enableMobilePage=true&​suppressPrompt=true|Click here to join the meeting]]
-**Monthly ​Research Webinar:** Upcoming - August 112021 (as part of the WG meeting)+**Monthly ​Meeting:** Upcoming - March 82023
-**Title: Leveraging longitudinal and multi-modal EHR in Survival Analysis**\\ +**Agenda**
-**Abstract:​** Survival analysis is a fundamental statistical tool that predicts the time of an event. It has multiple healthcare applications in areas, such as hospitalization and patient mortality. Clinicians predict patient outcomes by heterogeneous modalities (e.g., text, images, and lab values). Such data poses significant challenges for traditional survival analysis techniques. In this talk, we present our effort to expand the survival analysis using multimodal, longitudinal EHR data. Our results indicate that extracted high-dimensional features from text and image provide complementary information in addition to structured EHR, and incorporating longitudinal data is useful in time-to-event prediction.+
-**Presenter:** DrYifan Peng+ 1) Presentation - Dr. Daniel G. Smith, Emory University\\ 
 +**Abstract:** Implementing an NLP process into production is an often challenging task, with considerable requirements for accuracy prior to being relied upon in a clinical workflow. However, including other local members of the clinical and research  community in the process at each stage of model selection and development could provide considerable advantages. At Winship Cancer Institute, we’re starting to bring NLP to our research abstractors,​ as well as our tumor registrars, so that they can provide critical feedback on dictionary curation, NER label verification,​ and final accuracy of the models in development. We seek feedback from the NLP working group regarding our model of the current process, as well as discuss your experiences in bringing clinical and research staff into the NLP process.\\
-Dr. Peng is an assistant professor at the Department of Population Health Sciences at Weill Cornell Medicine. His main research interests include BioNLP and medical image analysis, such as named entity recognition,​ information extraction, and eye disease diagnosis and prognosis. Before joining Cornell Medicine, Dr. Peng was a research fellow at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH). He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Delaware. During his doctoral training, he investigated applications of machine learning in biomedical relation extraction, with a focus on deep analysis of the linguistic structures ​of biomedical texts.+2Updates ​on the progress ​of ongoing studies 
 +  - SDoH 
 +  - Psychiatry 
 +  - Oncology 
 +3) NLP book chapter and other OKRs
 ==== Ongoing Projects ==== ==== Ongoing Projects ====
-TBD+  * Note type normalization 
 +  * Social Determinants of Health 
 +  * Psychiatry - NLP for capturing administration of neuropsychiatric scales and their scores 
 +  * Oncology - NLP for getting oncology data using Tumor Reg data as a gold standard for assessing the information obtained through the NLP algorithm 
 ==== Past Projects ==== ==== Past Projects ====
-TBD+  * Note_NLP table 
 +  * COVID-19 testing normalization (TestNorm) 
 +  * Note type 
 +  * NLP tools: NLP Wrappers; THEIA; Ananke
 ==== Participants ==== ==== Participants ====
-^  Participants ​                                                            ^|| +noncomprehensive list of participants:​ [[ Click here ]]
-| Hua Xu             | Abraham Hartzema ​   | Feifan Liu                       | +
-| Anupama Gururaj ​   | David Sontag ​       | Paris Nicolas ​                   | +
-| Nigam Shah         | Arnab Bose          | Mark Dredze ​                     | +
-| Noemie Elhadad ​    | Lian Hu             | Masoud Rouhizadeh ​               | +
-| Jon Duke           | Jan Kors          | Malcolm McRoberts ​               | +
-| Alexandre Yahi     | J van Der Lei       | Nishanth Parameshwar Pavinkurve ​ | +
-| Thomas Ginter ​     | Peter R Rijnbeek ​   | Carol Friedman ​                  | +
-| Olga Patterson ​    | Vivienne Zhu        | Miao Chen                        | +
-| George Hripsack ​   | Bob Patterson ​      | Jianlin Shi                      | +
-| Vojtech Huser      | Michael Gurley ​     | Vassilis Koutkias ​               | +
-| Mark Khayter ​      | Xiaoling Chen       | Dan Schlegel ​                    | +
-| Karthik Natarajan ​ | Hongfang Liu        | Mark V Mai                       | +
-| Min Jiang          | Hong Yu             | Todd Lingren ​                    | +
-| Scott DuVall ​      | Stephane Meystre ​   | Jose Posada ​                     | +
-| Xiao Dong          | Timothy Miller ​     | Andrew E Williams ​               | +
-| Ning Shang         | Wendy Chapman ​      | Vignesh Srinivasan ​              | +
-| Jessie Tenenbaum ​  | Elizabeth Marshall ​ | Yuan Luo                         | +
-| Kathleen Nogueira ​ | Noa Palmon ​         | Kelly Peterson ​                  | +
-| Chris Ryan         | Danielle Bitterman ​ | Jimyung Park                     | +
-| Kate Weber         | Alexander Sivura ​   | Patrick Alba                     | +
-| Tarun              | Xi Yang             | Meliha Yetisgen ​                 | +
-| T.M. Seinen ​       | Jiang Bian          | Xiyu Ding                        | +
-| Georgina Kennedy ​  | Yaoyun Zhang        | Rui Zhang                        | +
-| Paul Heider ​       |                     ​| ​                                 | +
-==== Upcoming Meeting Dates (2021) ====+
-  ​* August ​11 +==== Upcoming Meeting Dates (2023) ==== 
-  * September ​8 + 
-  * October ​13 +  * March 8 
-  * November ​10 +  * April 12 
-  * December ​8+  * May 10 
 +  * June 14 
 +  * July 12 
 +  ​* August ​9 
 +  * September ​13 
 +  * October ​11 
 +  * November ​8 
 +  * December ​13
 ==== Repository ==== ==== Repository ====
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 ==== Past WG meetings (Agenda/​Minutes/​Recordings) ==== ==== Past WG meetings (Agenda/​Minutes/​Recordings) ====
 +  -[[WG_meeting_dec_14_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_nov_09_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_sep_14_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_aug_10_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_jun_08_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_may_11_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_apr_13_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_mar_09_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_feb_09_2022]] 
 +  -[[WG_meeting_jan_12_2022]]
 +  -[[WG_meeting_dec_08_2021]]
 +  -[[WG_meeting_nov_10_2021]]
 +  -[[WG_meeting_oct_13_2021]]
 +  -[[WG_meeting_sep_08_2021]]
 +  -[[WG_meeting_aug_11_2021]]
   -[[WG_meeting_10092019]]   -[[WG_meeting_10092019]]
   -[[WG_meeting_09112019]]   -[[WG_meeting_09112019]]
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   -[[WG_meeting_02132019]]   -[[WG_meeting_02132019]]
   -[[WG_meeting_01092019]]   -[[WG_meeting_01092019]]
- +**2018**\\
   -[[WG_meeting_11142018]]   -[[WG_meeting_11142018]]
   -[[WG_meeting_09122018]]   -[[WG_meeting_09122018]]
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   -[[WG_meeting_01102018]]   -[[WG_meeting_01102018]]
-**2017** +**2017**\\
   -[[WG_meeting_12122017]]   -[[WG_meeting_12122017]]
   -[[WG_meeting_10112017]]   -[[WG_meeting_10112017]]
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   -[[WG_meeting_06142017]]   -[[WG_meeting_06142017]]
   -[[WG_meeting_04202016]]   -[[WG_meeting_04202016]]
   -[[WG_meeting_04132016]]   -[[WG_meeting_04132016]]
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   -[[WG_meeting_01062016]]   -[[WG_meeting_01062016]]
   -[[WG_meeting_11042015]]   -[[WG_meeting_11042015]]
   -[[projects:​workgroups:​minutes|WG_meeting_10072015]]   -[[projects:​workgroups:​minutes|WG_meeting_10072015]]
projects/workgroups/nlp-wg.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/10 01:37 by vipina