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documentation:cdm:condition_occurrence [2014/12/04 09:58]
documentation:cdm:condition_occurrence [2017/01/27 05:22]
gowtham_rao [Table]
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 ===== CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table ===== ===== CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table =====
 +This table changed in version 5.X of the OMOP CDM. The fields condition_status_concept_id and condition_status_source_value were added.
 Conditions are records of a Person suggesting the presence of a disease or medical condition stated as a diagnosis, a sign or a symptom, which is either observed by a Provider or reported by the patient. Conditions are recorded in different sources and levels of standardization,​ for example: Conditions are records of a Person suggesting the presence of a disease or medical condition stated as a diagnosis, a sign or a symptom, which is either observed by a Provider or reported by the patient. Conditions are recorded in different sources and levels of standardization,​ for example:
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   * EHRs may capture Person Conditions in the form of diagnosis codes or symptoms.   * EHRs may capture Person Conditions in the form of diagnosis codes or symptoms.
-^Field^Required^Type^Description^ +^ Field                          ^ Required ​ ^ Type         ​^ Description ​                                                                                                                                                                                                     
-|condition_occurrence_id|Yes|integer|A unique identifier for each Condition Occurrence event.| +| condition_occurrence_id ​       | Yes       ​| integer ​     | A unique identifier for each Condition Occurrence event. ​                                                                                                                                                        ​
-|person_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the condition. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table.| +| person_id ​                     | Yes       ​| integer ​     | A foreign key identifier to the Person who is experiencing the condition. The demographic details of that Person are stored in the PERSON table. ​                                                                ​
-|condition_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key that refers to a Standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies.| +| condition_concept_id ​          ​| Yes       ​| integer ​     | A foreign key that refers to a Standard Condition Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies. ​                                                                                                          ​
-|condition_start_date|Yes|date|The date when the instance of the Condition is recorded.| +| condition_start_date ​          ​| Yes       ​| date         ​| The date when the instance of the Condition is recorded. ​                                                                                                                                                        | 
-|condition_end_date|No|date|The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended.| +| condition_start_datetime ​      | No        | datetime ​    | The date and time when the instance of the Condition is recorded. ​                                                                                                                                               ​
-|condition_type_concept_id|Yes|integer|A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the condition was recorded, the level of standardization,​ and the type of occurrence.| +| condition_end_date ​            | No        | date         | The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. ​                                                                                                                                        | 
-|stop_reason|No|varchar(20)|The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data.| +| condition_end_datetime ​        | No        | date         ​| The date when the instance of the Condition is considered to have ended. ​                                                                                                                                        ​
-|provider_id|No|integer|A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition.| +| condition_type_concept_id ​     | Yes       ​| integer ​     | A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the source data from which the condition was recorded, the level of standardization,​ and the type of occurrence. ​ 
-|visit_occurrence_id|No|integer|A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed).| +| stop_reason ​                   | No        | varchar(20) ​ | The reason that the condition was no longer present, as indicated in the source data.                                                                                                                            
-|condition_source_value|No|varchar(50)|The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.| +| provider_id ​                   | No        | integer ​     | A foreign key to the Provider in the PROVIDER table who was responsible for capturing (diagnosing) the Condition. ​                                                                                               
-|condition_source_concept_id|No|integer|A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source.|+| visit_occurrence_id ​           | No        | integer ​     | A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT table during which the Condition was determined (diagnosed). ​                                                                                                            | 
 +| condition_status_concept_id ​   | No        | integer ​     | A foreign key to the predefined concept in the standard vocabulary reflecting the condition status. ​                                                                                                             | 
 +| condition_source_concept_id ​   | No        | integer ​     | A foreign key to a Condition Concept that refers to the code used in the source. ​                                                                                                                                
 +| condition_source_value ​        ​| No        | varchar(50) ​ | The source code for the condition as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard condition concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference. ​    ​
 +condition_status_source_value  ​| No        varchar(50)  ​                                                                                                                                                                                                                 | 
 ==== Conventions ==== ==== Conventions ====
   * Valid Condition Concepts belong to the "​Condition"​ domain. ​   * Valid Condition Concepts belong to the "​Condition"​ domain. ​
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   * The Stop Reason indicates why a Condition is no longer valid with respect to the purpose within the source data. Typical values include "​Discharged",​ "​Resolved",​ etc.  Note that a Stop Reason does not necessarily imply that the condition is no longer occurring.   * The Stop Reason indicates why a Condition is no longer valid with respect to the purpose within the source data. Typical values include "​Discharged",​ "​Resolved",​ etc.  Note that a Stop Reason does not necessarily imply that the condition is no longer occurring.
   * Condition source codes are typically ICD-9-CM, Read or ICD-10 diagnosis codes from medical claims or discharge status/​visit diagnosis codes from EHRs.   * Condition source codes are typically ICD-9-CM, Read or ICD-10 diagnosis codes from medical claims or discharge status/​visit diagnosis codes from EHRs.
 +  * The Condition Status reflects when the condition was diagnosed, implying a different depth of diagnostic work-up: ​
 +    * Admitting diagnosis: use concept_id 4203942 ​
 +    * Preliminary diagnosis: use concept_id 4033240
 +    * Final diagnosis: use concept_id 4230359 – should also be used for ‘Discharge diagnosis’  ​
documentation/cdm/condition_occurrence.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/25 15:02 by clairblacketer